We meet

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Lol when did I even start this, I procrastinate a lot. Clearly. Such horrible grammar, and spelling. Makes me want to die lol well the wait is over, children. Tbh I don't even remember a lot from both the game and show oops.

Aoba's POV

Sigh... "What's the matter Aoba?" Asked Haga-San, he looked worried. "It's nothing, just tired is all." I say trying to put on a convincing smile. "If you're tired then you should just go home for today." I try to protest but he somehow convinced me to go home.

I couldn't stop thinking of why Noiz put his arm around me, I shouldn't worry about it too much, he's just like that I guess- My thoughts were interrupted when I accidentally  bumped into someone, "O-oh im very sorry, I wasn't seeing where I was going.." The man I bumped into looked a little too intimidating, he had long brown hair, he was wearing a long jacket, a pink headband, and he had a pink bird on his shoulder.. Probably an allmate.

"Oi! Watch where you going!" Squeaked the allmate. "U-uh I'm sorry" I try to apologize again but the man says nothing, he just stares at me. How much longer are you going to stare at me? Creep. "Please don't bully my master!" Huh? Master?

I turn around and see the gas mask guy.. "Please leave master alone!" He exclaimed, the man with the pink headband didn't change his expression he just walked away silently. Weirdo "are are okay, master?!" He asked, I look around me to see who he's talking to. Is he talking to me? "Are you talking to me?" I ask. "Why yes, who else would be my master?" I'm speechless..

"U-um, can you not call me master? I feel a little uncomfortable when you call me that." Like seriously "no, I will call you master." He says with an excited tone.

"...fine, but what's your name..?"

"My name is Clear!"

"Alright then, Clear...I'll be going now" I try to get away from him but he just follows me. So irritating, why can't he leave me alone?! "Listen. Clear, can you oh I don't know.. Stop following me?!" I just want to go home.. "But what if you get in trouble again, Master!" He says almost yelling. I can notice we are bringing attention to ourselves by the crowd slowly emerging around us. Clear just looks at me, or at least I think he is.. you can't really see his face because of that stupid mask. "Why don't you take your mask off-" "No, I mustn't take this mask off!" He quickly yells, interrupting me before I even finished. I just want to get away from him.. I thought to myself, grunting a bit and quickly walking away from him. "Leaving already, Master?" He asked with a joyful tone. "I'll see you tomorrow then!" He waved and took out his umbrella that he kept under his coat. I shrugged and continued to walk away.


Once I got home I took off my shoes and saw Ren waiting for me near the entrance. His little fluffy tail swayed, happy to see me, I smiled and crouched down "I'm home, Ren." I said softly, "were you lonely?" I asked, picking him up and holding him in my arms. He shook his head "No, I think I can get used to being home alone." He added, "but it is a shame you can't bring Allmates to school." He sounded disappointed. I pet his head "Where's granny? Is she out—" I was interrupted by a voice, "Are you just going to forget that we're here?!" I looked up and saw Koujaku along with Beni on his shoulder, looking angry as usual. "Koujaku? What are you doing here?" He only smiled.

Koujaku POV.

Aoba looked at me with a questioning look, "Oh, I'm just here to eat Tae-San's cooking of course!" I chuckled. The questioning look quickly vanished and he began to smile, I felt my cheeks slightly burn up. His smile can light up a room, his lips look so soft.. If only I could just.. I shook my head a little and gave Aoba a big smile. "But it seems she's not here at the moment." I added, "it's doesn't mean I'll leave though!" Aoba chuckled and set Ren down, "How about you try my cooking for once?" He said softly with a smirk. "You can cook? I didn't even know you could boil water without burning this place to the ground." I said jokingly. Aoba laughed, oh god.. That laugh.. I looked at him like I was looking at a piece of art. Aoba's cheeks slightly burned up, "take a picture, it'll last longer." I chuckled, "you know, maybe I will." I quickly took a picture of him before he had the chance to stop me, his face now completely red "you better not show that to anyone!" He practically yelled out. "I won't!" I mumbled, "this is for my eyes only.." Aoba looked at him with a questioning look, "what does that mean—" "Nothing!" I quickly walked to the table and sat down.

3rd person POV.
Aoba walked to the kitchen and prepared to make some tea, he looked back at Koujaku "you want some?" Koujaku nodded, he set the tea down in front of him while taking a small sip of his own. There was a moment of silence, "So I noticed that Virus and Trip were annoying you again, but it seemed.. Noiz helped out." He said before taking a sip of his tea. Aoba smiled a bit and laughed nervously "yeah, he wrap his arm around my shoulder which was weird—" then he heard glass break. "Oh god! Are you okay?!" Aoba practically yelled out and ran to the bathroom getting bandages. "What an idiot you are." Sighed Beni. Koujaku held the broken tea cup in his hand, he wasn't bleeding much but it seemed like a lot to Aoba. Aoba came running back with bandages and held Koujaku's hand, he wrapped the bandages around his hand carefully. "You idiot, why'd you break the cup?" Asked Aoba, Koujaku shrugged "Uh.. Strong grip?" Aoba lightly slapped the back of his head and chuckled. "Sure, strong grip." He said sarcastically, "I'll make you another." Koujaku shook his head, "I think it's time I actually head home, thank you for the tea." He smiled, "Thanks for nothing!" Chirped Beni, Koujaku waved and walked out of the house.

Aoba's POV
I stretched and walked to the couch, I fall on the couch while Ren runs towards meto catch up, trying to hop onto the couch by himself. I let out a small chuckle and brought him him, laying him down on my chest, "Today has been a long ass day." I yawned, Ren tilted his head "Oh? Care to tell me?" He asked, digging his soft paws into my chest. I quickly sit up and hold him in my arms so he doesn't fall, "Where do I even start? First off, Virus and Trip kept calling themselves my 'fans', and this guy with white hair kept calling me 'Master'— it was so weird, and then this tall big guy and his insulting bird! Then Koujaku with the tea cup, he's acting weird I just know it and—" "Woah, calm down, Aoba." He added, "I shouldn't have asked, but I'm at least 90% sure it'll be better by tomorrow." I can't see it, but I know he's trying to give me a reassuring smile. I sigh and lay back down, still holding him in my arms. "Yeah, I guess. Let's just sleep it off for now." Ren nodded and laid his head down on my chest. I yawned and slowly closed my eyes.

Not long after I feel someone smack my forehead, I yelp in main causing Ren to jump up and off me. I look up to see Granny, "Bit much maybe?" I chuckle, rubbing my forehead. She only huffed and walked away towards the kitchen, "maybe you should sleep in your room and not ruin these couches." I smiled and stood up, Ren doing the same but stretching, soon hopping down and following Granny with the little 'pat pat pat' sound. I walked to the kitchen and looked at the table, "the food is already ready? When did you get home?" Granny looked at me like I was stupid, "the food was in the fridge the whole time, I knew I'd get home late today so I put it in the fridge." She grumbles. I chuckle and rub the back of my neck,

"haha... Yeah right, I knew that—"

"then why didn't you eat it?" She smirks,

I stay silent.

I huff and pulled out a chair, sitting down and grabbing my share. "Maybe I wanted to eat with you?" I mumbled. She is taken back a bit, but then hits my head again "next time just eat without me, I won't always be here." She chuckles a bit, "what are you gonna do when I'm dead?" I catch my breath and look up at her, "Don't say such things like that, Granny." She frowns, and grabs her share, sitting down across from me.

There is silence. But then Ren breaks it, "So Tae-San, why back so late?" She looks down at him, "Just the usual business, no need to ask." Ren nods and sits by her feet. I finish my food and put it in the sink, "I'll be heading up to my room now," she grumbles in response, and I pick up Ren. I run up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind me. Ren looks up at me, "Are you feeling okay, Aoba?" I only nod and fall on my bed, holding Ren close. I feel a sharp, yet quick painful feeling in my head.

"I'll try to sleep through this headache."

"Are you sure? Shouldn't you tell Tae-San?" Ren asked.

"It'll go away, no need to make her job harder already, let's just try to sleep.. again."

I pull up the bedsheets, covering both Ren and I. "Even though you just woke up from a nap?" He sighed. I shrug, "Don't know, just want to lay down and fall asleep after today."

There was silence for a few moments, then slow and calm humming was heard from outside my room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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