Chapter 6 "The BBQ"

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I added the finishing touches to my makeup before taking one last look, I wasn't really a fan of the stuff so I kept it to a minimum but, I loved my clothes, I worked extremely hard so my I treated myself to clothes and of course my car, even though I worked hard I was still very grateful for all that I had and, I liked to spoil my loved ones! I wore an orange halter neck playsuit that set my freckles and tan on fire, glad about my choice I walked to the door when I heard someone knock, with butterflies dancing in my stomach I felt giddy to see Chris again and hoped he linked what he saw, I trained hard to get my toned tummy, there was no getting rid of my curves no matter how many hours I worked out and boy had I tried, after years of bullying in school for my rather generous tits and hips that's when I decided to get into martial arts and fitness, after what seemed like forever plus, the love and support from my family I finally learned to love myself, I no longer felt I couldn't eat or wear what I wanted, I was all woman and, I was now a proud one! Opening my cabin door I was greeted by sex on legs the Alpha himself, it was hard to tell who was checking who out who the most but when I looked up to meet my gorgeous mate's eyes we both had the same goofy look, there was no point in even pretending to be shy he looked hot, he stood there under my scrutinizing gaze in his dark jean shorts and white cotton shirt..."Well Mr Alpha don't you scrub up well" this he laughed leaning in to peck my nose with those sinful lips that I so badly wanted on mine but, I knew we had to wait, I tried not to think about it too much while I was getting ready as it made me feel like I'd been robbed if I'm honest! I mean, how long was I going to have to wait for my rejection, what if the Elder Emily had got it all wrong? Sensing my mood change Chris wrapped his arms around my small frame while taking in my scent... "What has got my gorgeous girl frowning eh? You look so beautiful both me and Dex are going to have to keep you close tonight".... "Is that the name of your wolf? I can't wait to see him"...I took a breath wondering if I told him how I felt it would ruin our night but, it was as if he could see right through me... "Listen to me gorgeous..we will deal with the situation as and when it happens, for the time being we need to be patient and, take I will continue taking shitloads of cold showers" he laughed....grabbing my hand and bringing it up to his lips he placed lots of soft little kisses on my hand and around my wrist, just like that I was calm. We slowly made our way over to join the party as Chris told me all about Dex and how excited he was to meet me, we both decided though for the time being Chris needed to remain in full control as Dex was getting pushy about marking me.Jose and Seb were waving like the loons they were trying to get our attention...which they had along with everyone else's! Lots of people were surrounding them, including both sets of parents who had been informed about Chris and my situation, I had only met Jose's parents as Seb's lived in Chris's pack which were further down south, I could feel lots of eyes on us as we approached holding hands, suddenly I was engulfed in a warm hug by a beautiful woman who had the same eyes as my bestie Seb and the handsome man at my side.... "My word, you are stunning, you two will give me such gorgeous grand babies" she was smiling from ear to ear while taking in my form, I was broken out of my hug by Chris clearing his throat...."Mom, let her breath before you start with the baby talk"...turning to face me Chris smiled with a little pink glow to his cheeks...."Love these are my parents, the crazy woman desperate for grandkids is my mom, Gloria and this is our Dad, Roberto"....Gloria was still grinning while her husband, Roberto held her to his side with his arm firmly around her waist as she looked ready to pounce on me again at any given time which made me smile, Roberto was a big man with the same colour hair as both boys, his eyes held kindness as he smiled warmly at us both but, I knew just by looking at him he was not a man to be crosses and the smile and hug he gave me was reserved for those he cared for only. 

After greeting Jose's parents  and clan we all decided to find our seats, even though it was outside Jose had organized everything to his and Seb's taste...mainly Jose's though lol!  Sitting down with Chris to my side he gave anyone that dared to look our direction a little longer than needed his Alpha death glare which had my smiling at my possessive man, I still had this feeling though in the pit of my stomach which would not go, I always trusted my gut and something was not right and, I knew Chris could sense it also. I scanned the other tables to look round the other seated guests but other than the odd smile sent my way nothing was off, that was until I turned my head to the left and there stood at the very front of all the guests looking straight at me with a shit eating grin was none other than the Alpha of this pack himself, Alpha Oliver. 

He looked at me with lust and his eyes took on a darker tone, as I stared back at the man eye fucking me I was surprised to feel nothing like I had fantasized in my earlier days when I realized I was marked but here I was feeling ...nada...jack shit if I'm honest, he looked everything Seb and Jose had told me, a prick, arrogant, cocky..the is could go on! ...Well fuck me Elder Emily was right all along, while everyone else was seated he made his way slowly and precisely through the tables never taking his eyes off mine until he was right in front of me...I could feel the tension change, everyone on our table including the intended groom and groom stiff and ready to protect me, more so Chris had gone tense and his growling warnings vibrated through my body as he held my hand tightly and, just like that as if all of this was a big fuckin game to him he said the words I once had dreamt to hear...."Mate".....

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