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Eyes turned as the click- clack sound echoed in the platform. People sneered or hid their children behind them or talked among themselves when they noticed who it was, but the person in spotlight didn't pay attention to any of this. The grace she held when she she walked was surprising, considering how tainted her family name was.

paying no attention to her surrounding, she walked to the platform 9¾ and looked around to find her family. She didn't notice a young boy, around the age of 11, running towards her until he bumped into her.

She turned around to see who it was and froze when a pair of familiar killing curse eyes met her infamous black grey. The dark raven black her, tanned skin, he looked so much like him.

"Oh sorry ma'am" The boy apologized, breaking her train of thoughts.

She watched as the boy ran towards his family, who were not standing far away from her. And thats when she saw him.

He looked almost the same as she remembered. The same boy which now had grown into an adult. 'How time has passed' she chuckled with no humor.

And thats when his eyes met hers. It was for a split of second before she immediately looked away. But it was enough to bring back their memories.


"If the tide takes California
I'm so glad I got to know ya
And if the sky falls from heaven above
Oh, I know I had the best time falling into love"

"Harry!" She exclaimed as he picked her up and spinned her around, making her giggle.

"What? I am just enjoying some time with my amazing girlfriend" He said, grinning. his eyes sparkled in the moonlight as he looked at the girl Infront him

She just shook her head, a smile spreading on her face.

- - - -

We've been living on a fault line
And for a while, you were all mine
I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart
I swear that I'll be yours forever
'Til forever falls apart

"How could you?!" She flinched. He never yelled at her. And if the yelling wasn't enough, His eyes, which once contained love now were filled with loathing were enough to break her. But she won't, Not when what she was doing will keep him safe.

"You were dumb to think that someone like me will ever love a filthy halfbreed like you" It was a shame how he didn't know how much it killed her saying this words.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Dad, mum is there. Mum!" She heard her daughter's voice, breaking her from her nostalgia. Hastily wiping away the tears that had formed in her eyes, she turned around to come face to face with her daughter. Behind her, she saw her family and friends coming towards them.

"We were looking for you Lea, and you were standing here" Her husband, Theo Nott, who was also her brothers bestfriend, said shaking his head.

"Oh hush you" Daphne, Her bestfriend, said as she enveloped her into a hug.

"Hey sis" Her brother, Draco, greeted as he brought his twin into a side hug

"Hiya brother, how you been?" She replied back "How is Astoria?"

"I am good and Astoria is...fine" He replied, his voice Turing uncertain towards the end.

Astoria Malfoy nee Greengrass, Her sister-in-law and Daphnes younger sister. Her health was deteriorating day by day.

"I checked up on her while coming to drop of Scorpius along with draco" Daphne whispered to her "I-I Don't think she is gonna make it" Her expression turned sad as tears gathered in her eyes

her heart clenched seeing her like this, probably because she knows the feeling. being a Malfoy was never easy, and things become worse when you are a female (Gender inequality is same in wizarding world as it is in muggle world).

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝗜𝗜 𝖧𝖩𝖯Where stories live. Discover now