/29/ Homecoming

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Isla, JJ, Kiara and Pope finally arrived in Charleston, entering the street they were supposed to be at, looking at all the big houses in awe.

"They're fancy people, they've had three governors in the family. They've run Charleston for like, 300 years."
Kiara gave her friends a quick briefing on the Limbrey family when they pulled up at the address they were given in the letter.

"These Kooks make our Kooks look like Pogues."
JJ commented, looking at the giant house they were in front off.

"You sure this is the right place, Pope?"
Isla asked while nervously looking out of the window of the car.

"Pretty sure."
Pope replied nervously as well, opening the door of the car before getting out.

"All right."
JJ shrugged, getting out of the car as well, Kiara and Isla following after him.

"Fat city, for sure."
JJ commented, walking towards the front gates, noticing the amount of locks and camera's.
"Talk about home security."

"Are those spikes to keep people out?"

Kiara replied to the blonde.

"The slave quarters are over there. These spikes were to keep people in."
Pope observed, causing Isla's eyes to grow wide in shock.

After getting through the gates, the four of time stood in front of the front door, Pope knocked on the door harshly, nervously facing his friends.
"You think that was too much?"

"It echoed the entire house, that's for sure, so they definitely heard it."
JJ replied.

"Maybe nobody's home?"
Kiara suggested when no one answered the door, leading Pope to knock once more, the door opening right when he did so.

An unfamiliar man opened the door, he looked big and scary as he watched over them with judgement visible in his eyes.

"You must be Pope."
He concluded, pointing towards the boy with a smug smile.

"Uhm..are you mister Limbrey?"
Pope replied, trying to hide his nervousness.

"Miss Limbrey was expecting you yesterday."
The man corrected, folding his arms over each other while leaning against the door frame.

"Oh, uhm I'm sorry, my car broke down on the way up here."
Pope confessed to the man.

"Carburetor blew up in the middle of nowherseville. Sorry about that."
JJ added in, defending Pope's excuse.

"Yeah, she was uh, real upset when you didn't show up."
The man confessed, staring JJ up and down.

"We tried to call, but there's no number on the invitation."
Kiara argued.
"We got here as fast as we could."

"She also expected you to come alone."
The man looked at Pope, ignoring Kiara.

"I mean, these are my friends, they helped find the royal merchant too, I-"
Pope started but got cut off harshly.

"The instructions were explicit, your friends can stay outside."

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen."
Isla commented, staring at the man who was already giving her an intimidating look, but she wasn't scared.

"We're kind of a package deal, man."
JJ backed up behind his girlfriend.

"JJ, Isla, it's okay. I got this."
Pope told them, looking at them with a serious expression.

"Yeah, we'll be right here."
Kiara smiled nervously, watching Pope walk off into the house after having a brief little moment with the girl.

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