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the sound of the faucet running echoed through the eerily quiet home, in the restroom stood a girl staring deeply into the mirror. there stood a girl with her face lightly covered in make-up and hair barley reaching her shoulders

she knew this wasn't her

splashing her face with running water that fell from the faucet, the make up began to turn streaky and smeared as she began to rub it off with a towel

her eyes wandered to the side of the sink where a pair of shears laid, running her fingers through the end of my hair slowly

she pursed her lips, as she began to lift the shears and cutting chunks of her hair watching the strands fall into the white porcelain sink. her hair looked rather uneven but without taking her focus away she kept cutting

till she noticed her hair was much shorter than intended the only strands of hair that landed on her face were her bangs

she gently squished her face which seemed more masculine then feminine and the hair cut just added to the masculinity

'fuck' she thought realizing she'd spent more time in the restroom then attended now she'd have to hurry and meet with hairo

rushing down the hall of her home she hurriedly slipped on her outside shoes and grabbing a bag, smoothing the male uniform down as it crinkled a bit

"im leaving dad!" her voice echoed through the quiet house before stepping outside, noticing the familiar messy red head.

he smiled at her throwing a wave before his eyes fell on her hair.

"geez i thought you were trying to grow it out" he mentioned pointing at her hair, he wouldn't admit it infront of her but he loved how the short hair showed her features.

she let out a airy sigh "i actually tried but i felt to .. odd"

she grew closer wrapping an arm around him "you excited?" she nudged "it's the beginning of our second year!"

he nervously picked at the bandage on his nose "yeah im pretty nervous, more excited about the fact your joining me now"

'that must be new' she thought staring at the bandage that ran arose the bridge of his nose

"took some convincing from my dads part but- these uniforms are hideous" she commented tugging on the high collar of the spearmint colored uniform.

he chuckled as we began to walk our way to campus "you can say that again, but why are you even wearing the boys uniform?"

she pushed herself closer to him- hairo was used to her physical, affection they had become close after the girl transferred from her old primary school.- "i just told the guidance counselor, Matsuzaki?" she said unsure as the named rolled off her tongue "that i didn't feel comfortable with a skirt and he agreed to let me wear the boys uniform and a spare girls one"

"yeah! you do look like a boy after all!" hairo spoke up failing to notice that she had raised a fist punching him on the shoulder roughly, rolling her eyes before gently placing her fist in her pockets.

he groaned holding his shoulder in pain before muttering an apology, she let out a small scoff watching as many students with the same uniform walking in the same direction

she gulped down nerves as the two walked onto the private school grounds.

unconsciously pulled hairo closer as me began to feel eyes wander onto us, whispers began to go around groups who already knew eachother or who just met

"that taller guy is really handsome"

"but he looks like a delquient with that hair cut"

hairo gave me a small glance of pity noticing her posture stiffen at the comments from other students

"don't worry Y/n i'll make sure they know it's rude to talk about someone!" he said flexing his biceps before turning to face the two girls

she sweat dropped as she began to pull on his ear dragging him to the auditorium "it's completely fine im used to it, plus i thought i was the one supposed to start fights" she stated jokingly

he turned to her with his eyebrows furrowed before he shoving his index finger at the girl sternly "no remember the promise you made me! no fighting." his tone was much stricter almost like a mother scolding her child "plus it took a lot of begging to get your here."

"okay, okay come on let's find a place for orientation" she said with a sweatdrop as she dragged him to line up amongst the sea of students

we sat quietly for a moment as the principal and guidance counselor began to speak introducing themselves and welcoming us

she sat silently staring down at her lap, gently playing with the tips of her fingers, tracing some small scars that littered her knuckles

but as she nodded off from the boring/inspirational speeches, she couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes staring at her

she was well aware of the pair of eyes bore into her skull but where, she looked up calmly as her eyes wandered around the gymnasium only seeing the back of peoples heads and some side profiles- oh god im going crazy

"who the hell was looking at me!?" she couldn't help but to think as the feeling never went away

a small grunt of frustration left her throat feeling hopeless, her eyes finally snapped to the left side the opposite side hairo sat on

a chill went down her spine as she made eye contact with a pair of cold dull eyes

she turned her head slightly more capable of getting a more descriptive glance, his hair was a vibrant pink, green glasses, with pink hair pins, and lips pin straight showing no type of emotions

licking her lips nervously as we had a complete staring match for a while but couldn't help but feel a weird tingle grow in the pits of her stomach.

'what a creep' she subconsciously thought almost in an insist he looked away almost as if he read her mind

at this point she was practically glaring at the boy, if a look can kill he would've been six feet deep

the only reason she didn't say anything was because she felt something picking at the back of her brain

almost as if she knew the boy from somewhere

but where

after that first day the boy never once crossed her mind

(not edited)

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