006//School sports festival

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Y/n stood in her P.E uniform standing behind the rest of the students. slowly stretching her toned arms and legs. multiple classes stood ready to compete against one another. a yellow headband was tied around her forehead allowing her hair to be pinned back properly and away from her face.

She felt the deep stares from the other team, Hairo stood in front of his classmates with an excited grin "listen up! We have only one goal today!" he begun

"VICTORY!!!" he cheered loudly causing his classmates to mimic him and cheer.

Y/n couldn't help but cheer along as well before her eyes fell on saiki who seemed less cheerful and side eyeing his parents, She smiled waving to Mrs. Saiki "Nice to See you again Mrs. Saiki!" she called out jogging towards the two adults before turning to who she assumed was Little saikis dad, "You must be Mr. Saiki it's nice to meet you!" she stuck out her hand shaking his hand firmly

"Y/n! i wish Ku would've told us you'd be here! i would've packed you a lunch as well!" Mrs. saiki spoke giving a slight glare to her son who seemed to freeze up.

Saikis dad let out a sigh "He doesn't tell us anything sweetheart, for all we know she could be his girlfriend~" he teased his younger son, Y/n froze as her face flushed a bit

"oh, it's not like that-" Y/n said waving her hands frantically, Kusuo who stood behind the girl was giving a deadly stare to his dad

Mrs. Saiki let out a soft giggle before turning to Y/n "is your dad here? it's been a while since i've seen him." she spoke with a bright smile

"My dad is always working," she spoke before stopping for a moment placing her index finger on her chin "Come to think of it he's rarely home"

She looked back at Mrs. Saiki as her eyes welled up with tears, 'Great you made her cry' Saiki thought as he rolled his eyes.

Y/n Stiffened up at the sight, "i'm sorry..?" she spoke softly to the older women who now began to cry in the olders man shoulders

"let's go Y/n" saiki said tugging the girls shirt and pointing to the team, she nodded awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck as she walked besides saiki.

She felt guilty at the sudden burst of emotions his mother had, "i'm sorry i made your mom cry" Y/n whispered to saiki avoiding his eyes

"it's not your fault, she's just overly sensitive." he said looking forward as hairo began name off the other classes and their 'specialties'

Class One, That class is full of intellectuals and marked the highest test scores. Class Two, The most athletic students are in that class minus Y/n, Nendou and Hairo. Class four, also full of intellectuals. And class five, more intellectuals! But they wear glasses!

Y/ns eyes began to twinkle in excitement as the matches began to start.

''The first event is the boys' 100-meter dash.'' the announcer spoke to the audience and students.

saiki looked annoyed as he stood among the other boys at the start line.

''On your marks...'' the speaker begun while Y/n and her classmates began to cheer from the sidelines

"You got this saiki!" she exclaimed from the sidelines waving her arms frantically in the air


'I don't care about victory' the pink haired teen thought to himself as he got ready to run


'I want to be average. i'll go for third.' saiki thought as he ran between the groups of boys

Saiki was running in second pushing himself back to third as he softly slowed down keeping pace.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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