Cheater Cavegirl x Male Caveman Reader

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The Monster Of Your Making


3 Years ago

(Y/N)'s POV

I was playing in the school lake with my pet mole bat, Spurgy. 

(Y/N): Canonbaaaaall!

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(Y/N): Canonbaaaaall!

I jumped inside. The water splashed all over Spurgy.

Spurgy: *Angry Squeak*

(Y/N): Hehe, sorry, Spurgs. Next time i'll try to be more careful.

Spurgy: *Happier Squeak*

I looked at the sky.

(Y/N): It's been quite some time since we're on our own, huh?

My parents were murdered by tallbirds when i was just a baby. I still had to go to school though. But it wasn't all that bad.

Kron: Hey, Puny (Y/N)!

One drawback.

Kron:  It's rock knocker time!

That Sasquatch loping towards me is our reigning wrestle star, Kron, with his group of friends. There's always this rigid consistency to our relationship. 


(First day of school)

He trapped me in my cave [locker].

Kron: Happy first day of school, dork head


He trapped me in my cave.

Kron: Feliz navidad.

(End of school)

He trapped me in my cave.

Kron: Catch you next fall.

End of flashback

(Y/N)'s mind: Just once I like to turn it around. But i still haven't unlocked my monster form, unlike him. And the worst thing was this girl in his group i really liked. Her name was Ika. 

He trapped me in my cave.

Kron: Sleep tight.

He and his friends walked away. I heard Spurgy outside the cave.

(Y/N): Don't worry about me, Spurgs. I've gotten used to it already.

Somebody removed the rock that was blocking my way. It was the school janitor, Stan, in his monster form. He turned back to normal.

Stan: What again? You should punch out that big goon. 

(Y/N): Thanks, Stan.

Spurgy climbed on my shoulder and i started walking away. 

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