7. Those Fantasies Of Mine Are Going To Get Me In Trouble Someday

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Those Fantasies Of Mine Are Going To Get Me In Trouble Someday

I didn't know whether I should have been excited or freaking out, waiting for Elena to come back from a 'short shopping trip' she'd been on for an hour. In that time, I didn't move an inch as I sat on the edge of my bed, facing the door, hoping any minute it would open and a smiling Elena would appeared, bearing gifts from her trip.

Maybe I should have still been thinking all about the information Ed and the others had given me about the Brotherhood, along with every one of them being a part of it. But no, I was thinking about the idea of it just being me and John after today, going around the world to find the remaining pieces of this crazy puzzle key we were trying to complete.

Alone with the guy who seemed to hate me almost the moment he met me and ever second after? Yeah, I didn't know how to feel about that.

What exactly was Elena planning on doing with me to change my appearance? Plastic surgery? No, that would take too long. Injections? Gosh, I hoped not. Maybe just the basics, a change in my hair color? Yeah, that would work. I could live with it.

Hearing the tapping of her high heels, my heart was pounding in my ribcage, threatening to pop out of my chest and onto the floor. An excited nervousness replaced the anticipation when the doorknob turned and she appeared, holding a bag in her hand.

"Have you even moved?" she asked, pausing with her hand still on the doorknob. She raised an eyebrow. "I swear you were sitting there when I left."

I laughed ...and I was sure she could hear my nerves. "No, I haven't," I answered, shaking my head. "I...I'm kind of nervous. Well, I really don't know what you're doing, which is the reason why I'm nervous. And when I'm nervous, I start to talk faster than I normally would and things just come out of my mouth without me thinking about them first, so I tend to say stuff I normally wouldn't and sort of ramble..."

Elena cut me off by laughing, closing the door before she walked over to set the bag down beside me. "Don't be nervous. Didn't I tell you I've done this before? Everything will go perfectly. And trust me. You'll look perfect, too, and everyone will notice."

"I thought this was supposed to make me kind of invisible? You know, since my picture is kind of all over the news at the moment?"

She nodded, grabbing my hand, and pulled me into the bathroom. "No one will know it's you. I convinced Dad to let me take you out for an hour or so before you and John leave for the airport, just so we can test your new look. And I've already got your bag packed, so we won't have to worry. That was what took me longer than expected. I bought you all new clothes and a new bag small enough to use as a carry-on but can still hold everything. You're all set to go."

Flicking on the bathroom light, Elena led me over to the chair she'd brought in before she left. She sat me down and placed the bag on the countertop next to the sink. My eyes locked on everything she pulled out – a small cosmetic bag full of makeup, a hair brush and hairdryer, and a box of hair color.

"So we're definitely dying my hair?" I asked, eyebrows pulling together.

She nodded, glancing back at me as she pulled out everything she would need for the task. "Yeah," she said, picking up the box to look at the directions on the side before she started taking out everything so she could start mixing. "It's the best way to change appearances. You're blonde now, so I decided to go darker. If we did a dark red, I think you would be gorgeous..."

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