23. I Almost Got Killed A Dozen Times For This?

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I Almost Got Killed A Dozen Times For This?

Even as John pulled me to my feet, Juliet's haunting laugh still echoed through the hallway as he dragged me to the door. I never thought I'd say it, but she was right. If she ended up dying, knowing I was the cause of someone's death would certainly affect me for the rest of my life.

Even if it was hers.

"Don't do this now, Em," John said, pulling me down the darkened alley that led to our parked car. "Don't close up on me."

"I did that to her, though. I killed her."

He laughed humorlessly, digging the keys from his pocket as we crossed the street. "No, you didn't. Juliet Frost will only die on her own terms, not someone else's. Trust me. I've tried many times in the last four years."

"But she...she..."

We were at the car then. He pushed me back against it, placing his hands on my neck. Sirens sounded off in the distance, coming closer with every passing moment. Bending down so his eyes were level with mine, he practically forced me to look at him.

"Don't do this, Em," he said quietly, reaching one hand up to cup my cheek. There was a swirl of emotions in his unwavering gaze – anger at Juliet and the Knights, relief that I was okay, fear...like he thought at some point before he was going to lose me. "This is what she wanted. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the plan all along. She wanted to do something that would get to you, affect you. She knows how to manipulate people into doing things she wants, but you're not one of those people. You're strong. Don't let this affect you. She doesn't need to have the privilege of knowing she succeeded."

"I know...I..." He gave me a look then, one that made me stop my train of thought in its tracks. "I'm sorry, it's just..."

He brushed his thumb along my bottom lip, glancing down at my mouth as he did. "Am I going to have to kiss you to shut you up?" he asked, looking back up.

I couldn't help it. I started to laugh. "That would certainly help me take my mind off of things..."

"Well, it's settled then."

He stepped forward, pressing himself against me before his lips met mine. I had my hands fisted into the bottom of his shirt as I closed my eyes. He put one hand on the car, his other still cupping my face. To anyone passing, including the police cars speeding by with their lights flashing and sirens blaring, we were just a young couple who could have been ending a perfect date.

It wasn't a date, though it was kind of the ending of something special, but it was still perfect.

As for the kiss, he was all for keeping it simple and sweet, but I wasn't. I needed something...more...to get my mind off of things, so I was the one to ramp up the heat.

I pulled back slightly, eliciting a groan from him, only to lean forward again, kissing the edge of his jaw before nipping his bottom lip with my teeth. His breath caught in a moan and he pressed himself closer to me before giving me the mind-numbing, body-tingling kiss I wanted.

"Where the hell did that come from?" he asked, his breath ragged just like mine was when we pulled apart a few, long moments later.

I laughed shakily, rolling my eyes before I leaned my forehead against his jaw. "Apparently, from a place that's only there when I'm near you."

"It's a good thing you're around me a lot then, huh?" he grinned, kissing my forehead before hugging me tight to his chest. His heart beat wildly against my ear.

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