Chapter 1- Prelude

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(not currently edited, feel free to point out mistakes)

"You must understand, Severus. The boy has nowhere else to go."

"And I do not want the boy! Why would I want the child of that scum?"

Dumbledore's eyes did not twinkle tonight. Tonight was October 31st, a night when the children of Hogwarts were trying to enjoy candy and a feast. James and Lily Potter lay dead in their house. Aurors swarmed the scene. Harry was swaddled in a soft grey blanket with a black design in the corner. Antlers, a paw print, a crescent moon, and the whiskers of a rat adorned the small portion.

There were yet to be glasses on his face, but Severus Snape could plainly see that this boy was the son of James Potter, through and through. An hour had been spent between the young Professor and the Headmaster as they argued the fate of the boy.

"Severus, he only has muggle relatives left. It is either you raise him to be a smart child, or he is coddled by muggles. What is the better option?"

The snarl across Severus' face was the most disgusted grimace to ever grace the face of any man. "I'd rather let him rot with those scum. Petunia will coddle him and then I can treat him like the James Potter replica that he is."

Dumbledore sighs and it seems as thought his beard goes greyer that very second. "I have talked to Sybil," Severus rolls his eyes and scoffs at the advice of a madwoman "You know better than most what she can see. Harry's muggle relatives were my first option, but she warned me of the grave danger that lurks within that house. You are the only family that the boy has."

"What about Lupin? He always seemed the most sane of them."

"Lupin's, ah, furry little problem keeps him from being a stable guardian. Severus, I am not asking anymore; I am demanding."

His black cloak swishes behind the man as he paces. I do not want this child. He is nothing like Lily, anyone can see that. The boy is nothing but trouble.

When Severus turns back around to snarl his refusal, a cry comes from the bundle of blankets. Instinctively, Severus turns toward the sound as sees Lily's eyes staring right back at him. His grimace falls off of his face and his words die in his throat. While this boy may look like James, he was so irrevocably Lily's. Harry's eyes seemed to be even brighter.

A breeze rustles through the Headmaster's office and the fringe is blown off of the child's face. A scar in the shape of a lightening strike is a bright red against the dark tones of his skin. The scar and the eyes are proof, Severus realizes, that this boy is not completely James; Lily is a part of him too. But he is also his own being.

A scowl crosses his face as he remembers looking exactly like his father and everyone judging him on his actions that were not his own due to it. This boy, however much Severus would deny that he ever had the thought, is much like him. This boy would also be raised to praise his parents, and he would need someone to show him the bad side as well. Perhaps when he is older.

Perhaps when he is older, Severus? You are thinking as if he is already under your care.

As he turns to Dumbledore with a look that gives his obvious answer and a quick twinkle shows in the older man's eyes.

As the Potions Master slips through the Floo to his cottage with a bundle in his arms, he thinks only one thing:

He already is. And nothing will take him from me.


Wow, that's the first chapter already. I know it's short, but it's more of a prelude than an actual chapter. I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while now and finally decided to post it here. Tell me if there are any spelling mistakes (my beta reader moved school so help pls, I'm hiring) and leave a comment here or there. If you find something you think might be important later on, tell me and I may go e you a hint. Please let me know I'm not writing into the void. Anyway, that's enough rambling (I think I'm getting much too used to Ao3), but I hope you enjoyed!

Last Updated: March 13, 2023
Words: 619

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If you have a story that you would like advertised or you think has a similar vibe to my stories, message me and I'll feature it at the end of my newest chapter.

Harry P̶o̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ and the Potions MasterWhere stories live. Discover now