Chapter 23: A confrontation with Gurashie

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While both you and Gurashie are seen having a brief stare down before talking to one another, the students, your classmates, the U.A. teachers and the pro heroes saw that something is going on between you and the alien as they began to enter the Arena, but to no avail as their path has been blocked by some kind of barrier blocking the way. 

The teachers, the students and your classmates however, donned their defense stances as they readied themselves for a fight against Alien Bat if it tries anything funny.

Alien Bat Gurashie: I see you have an army protecting you...

(y/n): Not army. Classmates, teachers and schoolmates. And them, too.

You said, snapping your fingers for numerous Police Officers to start running out, surrounding Gurashie as they had their guns pointed at him, to the students and teachers' surprise that the Police are here.

(y/n): So, Gurashie? What brings you here? Thought I told you to admit defeat, already?

Alien Bat Gurashie: I will not be defeated so easily, Earth Reionics! Like I mentioned to you before after you defeated me, twelve times.... this, was just the beginning!

(y/n): Dude! Last we fought you never stood a chance against my Eleking and Birdon! Though I have yet to use my primary kaiju but still, what makes you think you have a chance against me now?

Alien Bat Gurashie: Oh, but I do...

(y/n): If you have a kaiju strong enough, then.... I would like to see what its made off.

Alien Bat Gurashie: And that, you shall!!!

Gurashie said.

Then, he raised his Battlenizer in the air while fishing out a belt with three other Battlenizers on them, to your surprise as you thought Gurashie only had one.

(y/n): Those ar-

Alien Bat Gurashie: You think I only have one, Battlenizer? Well, unfortunately you're wrong! As I needed four to house all twelve kaijus and aliens I have, to carry out my Master Plan against a specific someone...

(y/n): Against someone?

Alien Bat Gurashie: GO, Robonez! Dogyuh! Izac!

Gurashie called forth.


The first Battlenizer activated.

As it activated, three cards appeared as they are seen flying around the device, with one slowly scanning themselves onto the Battlenizer one by one, unleashing a kaiju in the process before the crowd and those who are on the field, one by one.

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