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I take a sip out of my drink while Ethan and Chad jump next to me like weirdos trying to hype each other up "Cheers man," I heard Chad say but I could not hear anything else over the music "You got to start making moves, get you out there. Introduce you to some girls," Chad says and Ethan just stares at him

"What about her?" Chad says motioning his head toward a girl dressed as Harry Potter "She's gorgeous" Ethan says with a smile and I roll my eyes "Go talk to her," Chad says "Nah," Ethan says quickly

"Ask her out! Ask her out!" Chad said jumping up and down like a little kid and slapping Ethan's chest in a playful way "Shut up," Ethan says with a smile on his face "Confidence, look at you man, snack!" Chad says trying to boost Ethan's confidence "You're an entire meal on your own," Chad says and that's my cue to walk away before I actually punch him in the face

Everyone knows I've had a crush on Ethan since the second week we've known him. Something about him just makes me so intrigued, and I spent the first two months since we met getting to know him. Chad was the one who found out first because he said I was acting like my sister when she and he started dating.

My sister is Oliva McKenzie but, everyone called her Liv. She was honestly my best friend, I mean we may be step-sisters but she's been in my life since we were four after her dad had left her my dad married her mom and adopted her. It has been a little over a year since she died, but god I miss her every day.

She died during yet another Ghostface killing, actually murdered by one of our best friends so that made it hurt more. I mean, Amber was like another sister to me and for her to be the one touring us and killing basically everyone we loved really took a toll on me.

I wasn't there to see my sister die because Amber left me for dead in the basement after I was getting a drink. She stabbed me in the stomach seven times and then twice in the back, still got the scars that remind me every day how much I wish I left town when I had the chance.

I found out Liv died while I was in the hospital, I didn't understand how I survived and all I wanted to know is if Liv was okay. My parents told me she was shot in the head and I swear even though I wasn't there I can see her being killed every time I close my eyes.

I love Tara but I will forever somewhat blame Sam for what happened. I mean Amber and Richie probably wouldn't have done any of that to us if she wasn't Billy Loomis' fucking child, but I get it fucked up people will always be fucked up so they would have done it one way or another.

After Tara, Mindy, Chad and I graduated we all got the fuck out of Woodsboro and moved to New York City, we all go accepted into NYU mainly based on the fact we all survived a famous murder but hey whatever helps

"Hey Lex," Mindy says as I make my way into the room "Hey Mindy,"  I say sitting down next to her "Where's Anika?" I ask because they've been glued to each other all night "She went to go get Chad because Tara wants to hook up with some perv," Mindy says shrugging "Oh," I say nodding my head 

"Hey partner," I look over to see Chad talking to Tara and what I assume is the perv "Tara's good down here," He says and Tara gives him a dirty look "This is gonna be good come on," I say standing up and pulling Mindy with me

"Sorry bro I didn't catch that," The guy says stepping down a few steps to meet Chad "Where did you go?" Ethan says as I stand next to him and I assume he's talking about like 10 minutes ago when I left him and Chad "Just needed a drink," I say and he nods

"yea you did," Chad says "No, Chad it's fine. I want to," Tara says while grabbing the bandanna around his neck "See man, she wants to," the guy says in Chad's face before dragging Tara by the arm causing her to fall back onto the stairs

"Why don't you get your fucking hands off her," Chad says while pulling her guy down the stairs "Get the fuck off me," the guy says while pushing Chad's chest "Guys stop," Tara says while trying it stand up

"Sorry to interrupt," Sam says splitting the two boys who were pushing each other "I'm just gonna tase you in the balls real quick," Sam says before actually taseing him "Don't ever lay hands on my sister," She says while looking down at the guy who is squirming on the ground and I try to hold back a laugh

"Fucking bitch," the guy yells while hitting the ground with his fist "Are you fucking kidding me?" Tara says pissed off "You're stalking me now?" She says before walking away

"Holy shit it's that psycho girl," a random guy says before Sam runs after Tara "Hey," I say walking up to the guy before kneeing him the balls "Oh shit," Ethan says from behind me and then we all walk out after the two girls

People have been harassing Sam online for the past couple of months because a rumor started that she was the one who actually killed everyone in Woodsboro but just blamed it on Richie and Amber. Nowadays it's so easy for people to believe everything they read online.


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