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Disclaimer!! before you hate on how I ended this story read the stuff after the Ethan gid before you start chewing me out. Thank you bye!


Ethan and I walk over toward the railing that Sam and Tara are attempting to walk across, just after Sam made it Tara was walking across it shots are fired toward her and she falls but Sam grabs her before she can fall on the ground "Haha," Bailey says while walking with the gun in his hand

"I can't grab on, I can't," Tara says as Sm struggles to hold her up "No!" Tara yells as Ethan jumps with his knife attempting to cut her "Now you're gonna know how I feel Sam," I say laughing while Tara struggles

"Fuck you," Tara yells down at us "Fuck you," Ethan and I yell back at her, We hear a knife running across what sounded like metal so I look up and see Quinn walking toward Sam "You guys are so fucked now," Ethan says laughing

"Sam let me go," Tara says and Sam shakes her head no "Sam let her go, come on," I say looking up at her "No!" Sam yells

"Trust me," Tara says and I see Sam hand her the knife she had. Ethan and I look at each other knowing what the other is thinking and we nod. Tara falls down and I stab her in the left side while Ethan stabs her in the right "Gotcha," Ethan says and I laugh while twisting the knife

I pull out the knife and stab her in the stomach and this time Ethan stabs her in the back, I hold my knife with two hands as I pull it up her body, and blood starts to pour out her mouth. She tries to say something but blood keeps pouring out as I bring my knife up further "Cat got your tongue?" I say and she looks at me

I pull my knife out and her body goes limp, I push her onto the floor and Ethan laughs "Looks like you're down a sister," I hear Quinn say and then a gunshot goes off and we see Quinn's body falling

"Fuck you," Sam says while looking over the balcony and pointing her gun at me, she goes to shoot it but nothing comes out "haha," I laugh and so does Ethan. All of sudden Bailey and Sam are falling over the ledge and onto the glass table

I walk over toward Sam and grab her by the hair while I pull her toward the stage, I pull her up the stairs as her hands find my wrists in an attempt to get me to let go "You're gonna know exactly how I feel," I say bringing her toward Billy's costume

"Fuck you," Sam says still struggling "Shut the fuck up," I say "Ethan!" I yell for him to come to me "Yes?" He says smiling "Can you get Billy's costume?" I ask softly

"Of course love," He says with a smile and walks toward Billy's case. He gets the costume out and I move over Sam's body with my hand still in her hair, I kick her in the face to knock her out and then I slip the costume over her

"Good job," Bailey says walking over toward us "I'm gonna have to get rid of Quinn's body and then head to the hospital, oh and I killed Kirby," Bailey says as we set up Sam's body "Okay, we'll be fine here," Ethan says taking off his costume and hiding it

"I gotta say that was hot," Ethan says walking over toward me "Yea?" I say looking at him "I knew you had it in you," He says grabbing my hips and pulling me toward him "It felt so good like I really needed that," I say laughing slightly "I could tell," he says laughing

"Looks like we get to be together," I said tilting my head "it does," He says with a smile before kissing me, I put my hands on the back of his neck and pulled at his hair "I love you, Alexa," He says grabbing the side of my face after we part "I love you too, Ethan," I say before kissing him again



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BOOM THE END. Okay slay, but I made an alternate ending where Lex and Ethan die so if you want that one also, just so you can choose how you want the book to end, let me know cause I'll give you it. I really do hope you enjoyed the story and I plan on doing chapters about their life before the killings started again. I love you all thank you!!

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