Unexpected Joy

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After the shock wore off i smiled and asked are you pregnant we're having a pup she looked at me and said pups, with a confused look I repeated pups we having twins she smiled again and nodded and asked if I was mad.

Mad... ofcourse not, not only do I get the best mate in the world I also get a family, Zylah you make me the happiest man alive thankyou, I love you so much my queen grabbing her and kissing her.

Have you told your parents yet I asked an she replied not yet I wanted you to know first I stood and announced for the party to carry on as I linked with Dad and mum and Zylah linked with her folks to meet us in the office soon as possible.

When we all reached the door to the office we all entered and as mum was the last to join us she closed the door, both me and Zylah then just blurted it out at the same time...

We're pregnant with twins Zylah's mum had grin from ere to eye congratulations to you both mum just said grandbabies we're going to have grandbabies my dad and Zylah's dad Bata Cain both shook my hand and congratulated us both.

Mum was so excited the ran into the house to gab a pad to start making a list with Zylah's mum for baby names and what was needed for the babies and dad made plans to to build the babies a cot from scratch as he's good with his hands and now he's retired he has the time.

As the party slowed down and people left to go home and return to their packs I bid everyone good night and took Zylah to bed to get rest as she is carrying two pups.

Zylah crawled in to bed and passed out almost instantly and I had a shower I finished in the shower and got dried and dressed for bed before I left the bathroom as I stepped out of the bathroom everything went black then white as I hear the angelic voice of the moon goddess.

Hello Kolten how are you my beautiful baby boy...
And congratulations on the twins I'm so excited for you.

Thankyou mother but why am I here I've excepted my destiny and I didn't think I would see you again..

I'm here to one congratulate you on becoming a father and to be the bearer of bad news again your father knows you have excepted the throne and is coming for you.

Who is he i asked if I have a name I came rally my troops for the on coming war that's going to happen.

I'm not sure his name he only gave me a nick name that his people call him and that was Naz.. an alpha from a tribe of very powerful wolves.

I thanked her and gave my mother a hug closing my eyes before I was back in the doorway of my bathroom, smiling I walk over to my bed where my beautiful mate lay there sleeping as I climbed into bed cuddled up to her kissing her head as sleep took hold.

Morning came round a little to quickly for my liking as my eye opened to see mum and Zylah sitting on the sofa in my room chatting about the babies and how spoiled they will be mum and Zylah mum spent most of last night planning for when the babies eventually come.

From the bed I said mum I only found out about them last night give Zylah a chance smiling at my mate with a wink and may I grab some of that food I got to meet dad in a moment, mum said help yourself so I grabbed i muffin kissed Zylah and made my way to the office.

As I walked in dad was sitting on the sofa in the office looking at him in confusion and asked why he wasn't sitting at the desk like normal when he replies it's your desk now son, I'm not the alpha anymore you are so it's yours nodding to the desk.

I sat at the desk looking at my dad as he smiled and said how does it feel, nodding and replying a bit weird but ok its just strange being this side of the desk looking at you,he gave me some paperwork to sign when I finished dad then said it's all yours now my boy.

So dad how long before the palace is finished he said about a month if all goes to plan, excellent I replied with that out of the way I have news tha moon goddess contacted me again and I have a name my biological father is called Naz and he's the alpha of a very powerful tribe of wolves not a pack.

Dad looked at me wide eyed and said he knows of him, he refused to call his tribe a pack and was banished and forgotten he's pure evil! son he's a nasty cruel man and never trust him he will stab his own mother in the back and enjoy it.

I have been warned that he's evil and not to be trusted he's tribe are ruthless as well they kill without remorse but our pack is five times bigger so the worriers need to train because I don't know where he is based or when they will attack, dad and I made a plane to send out a few scouts to try and get some intel on Naz or his tribe.

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