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"We are at the park we are talking about the rules and who the killer might be. Mindy is standing up and since she is basically the brains of the group, she is doing the main talking."

I know it surely isn't me. Y/n; Thinks to himself.

Mindy: Alright listen up everybody we were in Woodsboro last time this happened... New place which means new rules...

"She looks at us all eyeing us down"

Mindy: New rules. We already know the ghost likes to call us so no picking the phone up but do make sure it charged in case. Just because you don't get called doesn't mean you are safe... all of us in this group is at risk

Ethan: Does that mean I'm not safe?

Mindy: Yeah, but you could be ghosty for all we know...

Ethan: I'm going to die a virgin...

(Side eye. LITERALLY)

Mindy: The main Targets are Tara and Sam.

"Sam and Tara look at each other"

Mindy: May be the main Targets but the Ogs are still at risk as well...

Y/n: Sid won't be coming.

"Mindy nods"

Mindy: New areas bigger city. Whatever you except don't except anything nothing will go as planned we all know what happened last time... but except the opposite and suspect everybody.

"We all look at each other"

Mindy: That also leads me to my suspects. Quinn. The slutty roommate of Sam and Tara.

Quinn: I wouldn't hurt a fly.

Mindy: Suspicious. Second we have miss beautiful

"Anika smiles"

Mindy: Still on suspect list. Oh and the shy friend aka roommate of chad and Y/n.

Ethan: W-What why me.

Mindy: Your shy and sweet nobody would see it coming.

Y/n: Agreed. I mean i always wonder what noise's come from your room at night

Ethan: I told you! I was trying to get a six pack.

Y/n: By making noises?

Ethan: It was a hard workout...

Y/n: You know a good workout?

Ethan: W-What?

Y/n: Dragging bodies. helps with the arms and chest. Do it Santa style and it may help with the back

"Ethan raises his eyebrows"

Mindy: Don't scare him he might pee himself

"I chuckle"

Mindy: This one will be even worse than last time as i reminder. There will be lots of blood so if any of you are a vampire you will be in charge of cleaning?

Tara: What are the chances of their only being one or more Ghostface's this time?

Y/n: Great question! They are low but not 0.

Sam: As long as Tara doesn't get hurt.

Y/n: I can be a personally bodyguard?

"I flex my muscles."

Ethan: Hey you're going to have to drop a workout routine...

Y/n: Eh.

*Later That Night*

"Me and Tara are cooking dinner. The others are hanging out and Mindy is setting up dinner. Tara must have been overthinking."

Tara: Hey... If you want to leave the city, you can go i would understand.

She crazy to think i would leave her Y/n; thinks to himself

Y/n: Nah no way. I'm staying here with you and the others. Plus, i want to keep a eye out for you... i don't want to see you get hurt

Tara: You sure?

"I get cut of by mindy"

Mindy: Would guys just make out already?

Y/n: What the fuck Mindy.

"Tara shakes her head"

Mindy: Just saying.

"Mindy walks away leaving me and Tara alone"

Y/n: That didn't sound bad though.

Tara: What didn't?

Y/n: Uhm kissing you.

Tara: S-Seriously?

"She questions me which i move a little closer making eye contact and leaning against the counter."

Y/n: Yeah. Tell me... what's it going to be?

"She breaks eye contact to glance at my lips i got nervous and leaned backwards moving myself away from her nervously chuckling going back to cooking."

Y/n: Just kidding.

Shit why did i say that Y/n; thinks to himself

"Tara just chuckles"

Mindy: Hey Sam you know we don't all have to stay here

Sam: Well i say so.

Y/n: I think it will be fun. It's like a sleepover you know.

Chad: Yeah, like the old days

Y/n: Exactly.

"We hear Anika call us out to the living room we come out and on the Tv a News reporter is talking about how 'Sam' Is the prime suspect of all the killing it goes on to show a video of her attacking a woman on the street. Sam grabs the remote from Anika and turns the tv on and walks off into the dining room taking a sit we all notice she is clearly upset, and Tara is the first to go sit and comfort her"

Tara: I Uhm know you aren't the biggest fan of how I've been handling everything. But uhm i can say that you are doing your best and thank you for being here for me... and the others i appreciate it and I'm sorry about what i said... i was drunk and mad at the time i didn't mean it you are a great sister

Sam: Thanks. It's not your fault... it's kind of mine i shouldn't care what others think but i just can't help...

"I walk into the dining room and take a sit. Sam is like an older sister to me"

Y/n: Don't worry Sam. This is nobody's fault i do blame Richie and amber... but that is definitely not your fault Tara is right you are a great sister... infact you're like a older sister to me

"Chad and Mindy walk in"

Mindy: Yeah that i can agree with.

Chad: we have been through so much... together. So we will stick together forever.

Mindy: Hate to say it but we or the core fucking four.

Chad: There we go!

"We all laugh but Sam but just randomly Sam confesses"

Sam: I've been sleeping with cute boy a crossed the hall.

Mindy: I knew it!

Tara: Me and Mindy called it

Y/n: To be fair i just didn't think that was her type...

Chad: Yeah don't come at us

"We all chuckle"

"While we were talking danny boy aka cute boy show Quinn through the window about to get it. Not sex. a knife."

Tara: I feel we should have a high five...

Chad: The four-core high five!

Y/n: Let's not call it that maybe?

Tara: It doesn't sound that bad

Y/n: Your supposed to be on my team Tara

"I chuckle as we put our hands together, we couldn't hear Danny try and call us warning us about something... something very bad."

"Danny tries to call Sam but Tara grabs the phone we all start laughing"

Mindy: Pick it up

Y/n: Yeah pick it up

"Tara puts the phone to her ear pretending to pick up the phone"

Tara: Hey what's your intentions?

"We all start laughing Sam grabs the phone back and ignores his call"

Mindy: Poor guy

Y/n: Yeah, you just ignoring your man like that

I chuckle we hear what seemed to be bedtime noises from Quinn's room"

Tara: Looks like they are back at it again...

Y/n: Could be me. Quinn's a baddy

"They all give me a strange look"

Y/n: Okay I'm joking. I would probably get an affection from her

"Everybody jaws drop"

Y/n: Mhm... I'm stop talking now

"I chuckle. We were all joking and laughing till we all got a ding on our phones we all take our phones out it was a photo taken from somebody aka Danny a photo of Quinn getting attacked we all look at the door knowing exactly what's going to happen. What turned from noises turned into screams we ran from the table Tara for some reason went to go and protect Quinn."

"I grabbed Tara by the arm pulling her back near me stopping her from opening the door we all stand there as we hear her screams that lower everything went quiet."

Mindy: R-Run.

"The door swings open and out comes Quinn's bloody body that falls onto Anika she screams and Ghostface walks out slowly we all scream, and Anika pushes the body off her. Her screams become louder at the set of a bloody body."

Y/n: C-Come on!

"I grab Tara and rush her out of the apartment"

Chad: Everybody hurry!

"Chad also runs out"

Mindy: F-Fuck!

"Ghostface slashes his knife hitting Mindys arm she screams we were all in a panic Anika tries to fight back and grabs Ghostface by the arm but that didn't do much Ghostface grabs Anika by the neck and chokes her then lifts her up pinning her to the wall Ghostface stabs Anika and slowly pulls the knife up ripping through her slowly she screams... her screams is all you could hear Sam was looking for a knife but couldn't find any so she hit Ghostface with the knife holder knocking Ghostface to the ground"

"Tara chad and Me heard the screams"

Tara: W-Wait! They didn't make it

"We were so scared we didn't even realize they didn't make it out we rush back up the stairs to help Ghostface slammed the door close and Anika Mindy and Sam ran into Quinn's room slamming the door shut Ghostface was doing everything he could do to try and get in but Mindy was using her weight to keep the door shut till she could reach the lock and lock it which didn't do much as Ghostface kicked the door in. We used a dresser and body weight to block the door. Sam's boyfriend realized we were running and opened his window he grabbed his ladder giving it to us. Sam looked down knowing if she fell it would be her last day on earth, she slowly but also quickly climbed the ladder. But every second Ghostface was trying to get in the door was giving in and he was almost inside the room Sam made it to the other side deep down Anika knew she wouldn't make it she was losing so much blood."

Mindy" Anika Go!

Anika: NO-No... you go first.

Mindy: No, you go first you're bleeding out.

Anika: Exactly. I will make it once you go... just go.

"Mindy gives Anika a kiss before she climbs the ladder to the other side it was very intense. Mindy was halfway there Ghostface was almost inside the room Anika was losing blood like crazy me and Tara and Chad couldn't get inside to help we could only hear screams and banging."

"It was her turn to go on the ladder she was struggling to even get on the ladder slowly she was going but Ghostface finally got in"


"Mindy screams"




"Ghostface grabs the ladder and starts to shake the ladder Anika screams as loud as she can till, she fell to her death..."

"It was a sunny but not beautiful day. The cops and ambulances were outside. Me Tara and Mindy were sitting inside it"

Y/n: You Okay?

Tara: I have no idea... this is like a replay on what happened... its-its scary.

Y/n: Yeah, i know... but don't worry. We will get this fucker and i will make sure you don't get hurt in the process

Tara: But you can't be sure... Anika and Quinn died that night they were just there a second ago and then they were gone.

Y/n: I-I couldn't protect them, but it makes me even more determined to protect you because you... you i truly care for

Tara: I'm just so scared.

"I look at the scar on her hand from ambers knife"

Y/n: Hey. You're really strong... stronger than me you took fucking 7 stabs last time and you know what?

"What she says looking me in the eyes."

Y/n: You were still a badass at the end. You still are you... you fucking punched gale weathers even Ghostface hasn't gotten to her that bad

"She chuckles"

Tara: You think?

"I go to speak"

Tara: Thats right i know i am. I'm very strong and whoever is doing this will regret it

Y/n: Thats right! You... you... your special. one of a kind

"I look her in the eyes trying to hold back tears of happiness but somewhat sadness. She is right there in front of me talking to me... so happy i would kill just to see her smile"

Tara: Hey speak of the devil.

(Cliffhanger because i want to go past 1999 words)

Note: Just fucking kiss already like be mine Tara i got what you need i can take stabs i can't take hits i can stab for you call me obsessive because that is RIGHT I AM

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