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Tara: Speak of the Devil.

"Tara says we look at Gale who showed up and walks over to Sam who was talking to detective baily me, and Tara get out of the ambulance and walk over there."

Y/n: Gale what the heck are you doing here?

Gale: I already said it and i will say it again. I want to catch this motherfucker.

Y/n: Mhm... Thats what you always say I've read your books and watched the movies.

Sam: Y-Yeah just go away.

"Gale looks at Tara"

Gale: What you going to punch me again?

Tara: You want me to?

Gale: Look. Just let me help....

"We all look at each other and give in"

Y/n: Fine ms weathers

Sam: If you die this was not our fault.

Gale: Of course, it isn't your fault.

Tara: I am sorry for punching you in the face...

"Gale smirks"

Gale: No, you're not

"Tara smiles"

Tara: Yeah your right I'm not

"Ethan shows up and immediately Chad goes up to him grabbing him by the shirt pushing him angry and suspecting him because he wasn't there when we were attacked last night"

Chad: Where the fuck were you!

Ethan: Hey! Calm down man

Chad: Where the fuck were you last night!

Ethan: The-The book store?
(Forgot what he said and i aint rlly care LMAO)

Chad: How can i fucking trust you.

Y/n: Alright chad calm down.

"Chad lets go of ethan"

Ethan: You can ask anybody...

Chad: Whatever.

"Kirby shows up"

Kirby: What did i miss?

Gale: Not a lot.

Kirby: I see everybody almost made it out...

Gale: Reminds me... i have something to show you all.

"We all were confused. She took us to a shrine. She unlocks a gate that opened we entered and started looking around till we walked into a room with a collection of the past Ghostface's everybody started to look around when we walked up some stairs, we found ourselves in Infront of all the robes from the past Ghostface's... before i knew it Tara stormed off"

"Deep down Tara probably knew this wasn't going to be out last visit from Ghostface looking at all the history knowing it's going to repeat itself. Sam and Me followed her she stopped and used her inhaler"

Sam: Tara are you okay?

"Tara looks back at Sam and walks off again this time Sam didn't follow her but i did. We took a sit in a theater room sort of "

Y/n: You, okay? Like really... i care for you Tara.

Tara: No-No I'm not okay. E-Everything is going to repeat itself and I'm still not okay and over what happened last year

Y/n: Yeah its cruel isn't it...

Tara: I can't help but wonder if I'm going survive or if the others will survive... like how long will this last?

(If you really think about it Scream is fucked up like people's life's were taken and Sidney's and now the new characters life's are going be ruined LMAO PRETTY SAD)

Y/n: Yeah, i understand i actually do. I'm just as scared you... i can't say we will get over this, but we will get stronger while we go through this. Together.

"I hold her hand"

Y/n: We can make it through this and i will be here for you no matter what.

Tara: How can you say that when you don't even know you'll make it through this.

Y/n: Thats the whole thing about life. We make dreams and plans that sometimes don't go through the way want them to but we always will make it one way or another.

Tara: Have you gotten over what happened last year?

Y/n: Fuck no... how could i? our friend betrayed us... we were stabbed, and it was messed up and i don't think i will ever forget that knife... the way the knife went through me... but something that you do just makes me forget about it i feel free around you...

Tara: Really?

Y/n: Fuck yeah. Like i said you are so fucking special

"I smile at her looking into her dark brown eyes"

Y/n: You may not see it but i do. I wouldn't have made it this far without you! I can't even imagine my life without you

"She chuckles"

Tara: I couldn't agree more. You make me happy as well i can't lie...

Y/n: See. Look at you smile it's the most... beautiful thing in the world i swear.

"I thought this would be the moment we would kiss but the detective gale and Sam walked in"

Baily: Sorry to interrupt but i think i may have a plan to stop this fucking creep.

Kirby: Okay. Sorry gale this is police work now... I'm good at my job too

"Gale sighs and Kirby smirks"

"We were in the park. The plan was to get Ghostface to call us so we could track the phone call. Me and Tara with Sam walked in the park with things in our ears so we could hear Kirby and detective baily. Before we knew it we got the call... Sam picked up without hesitation and put the phone to her ear"

Sam: What the fuck do you want asshole?

Ghostface: I already told you what i want.

Sam: Sorry say that again.

Ghostface: I said i already fucking told you what i want!

Sam: Well what was that?

Ghostface: I want the world to know the true you... sam...

Sam: Fuck off...

Ghostface: You will see.

"Sam pulls the phone away from her ear and asked Kirby if that was enough Kirby agreed because she already tracked the call Sam hung up"

Kirby: The call is... halfway a crossed the city near some apartment building.

Tara: On west 96.

Kirby: Yeah how do you know that...

Y/n: It doesn't matter how she knows it... it matters how we get there!

Sam: Yeah that's half way across the city...

Y/n: No time to fucking waste.

Tara: W-What?

Y/n: Come on!

"I grab Tara by the hand Sam and detective baily follow behind us as we run to the parking lot me and Tara start to sprint and get inside a cop car"

Y/n: You drive!

"She gets in the driver sit and i get in the passenger sit. We pull up and Sam gets in"

Baily: Hey! You can't take a cop car!

Y/n: Your right... not without

"Our lights! me and Tara sync and we turn the lights on speeding away"

Gale pov:

"Gale was in her apartment with her Boyfriend they were ordering food she was on her laptop when the phone rang her boyfriend gave the phone to her saying it was for her"

Gale: Hello?

Ghostface: Hello...

Gale: You...

"She stands up and signals to her boyfriend to call the cops to which he walked away and called the cops but was grabbed by ghost face and killed."

Ghostface: This is our first time speaking...

Gale: First time for everything

Ghostface: Well then... don't worry you will be seeing dewey soon.

Gale: Fuck off.

Ghostface: You weren't even there to help him in his last moments. I bet he hates you for that.

Gale: Shut up... you know nothing.

Ghostface: Oh i do...

Gale: Where the fuck are you...

Ghostface: Haha. Why would i tell you that?

Gale: Because i bet your in here somewhere.

Ghostface: So you wanna play a game?

Gale: Of?

Ghostface: Of who is going die next!

"Ghostface throws her boyfriend's body out glass breaks and ghost faces wipe the knife clean Gale screams and starts to run Ghostface follows her as Ghostface follows her around trying to slash her. She runs for her life and runs into a room quickly unlocking a safe and grabbing a gun shooting a door"

Gale: Got you...

Ghostface: Did you?

"She sighs knowing she missed she opens the door ready for anything but saw nobody, so she starts to walk away keeping her guard up before Ghostface jumped out and started to attack her they fought for a little she got stabbed two times till she took the chance and threw Ghostface. Ghostface fell and broke a glass table they were both on the floor and Ghostface wasn't moving she went to get the knife, but Ghostface suddenly got up and attacked her again going to stab her right in the face she grabs Ghostface by the arms stopping them but before Ghostface could do anything else Sam Tara and me get there and start to shoot Ghostface runs away, and we rush to gales side"

Y/n pov:

"We rush to her side she is bleeding out"

Sam: Gale Gale!

Tara: Stay with us...

Y/n: I hate you but don't fucking die!

Sam: No gale!

Gale: T-Tell S-Sidney he never got me-

"Her eyes close Sam starts to panic"

Sam: NO

Sam: Gale Wake up!

Y/n: F-Fuck.

"The Ems and cops get there Tara and I had to pull Sam away. We got her calm down"


"We were all at the hospital Mindy Chad me Tara Sam and Ethan were sitting there stressing what is going to happen next? Sam's boyfriend Danny gets there and rushes to her"

Sam: Danny?

Danny: I came as soon as i heard!

"They hug"

Danny: I'm sorry i wasn't there...

Sam: No-No its okay i prefer you not see that stuff.

Danny: I'm always here for you.

Tara: Are you?

"Danny just looks at Tara"

Mindy: I'm really scared guys. i really don't want to get hurt again

Chad: Me too.

Y/n: If all of us stick together we can take on one or two Ghostface's

Chad: That isn't the point... one of us is guaranteed to... die.

"I sigh"

Mindy: Well i don't want any of us to die.

Chad: I know...

"He Rests his head on Mindys shoulder Tara does the same"

Y/n: So what do we do now?

Sam: M-Maybe he gets to win this time?

Tara: W-What?

Chad: Your joking?

Sam: He wants me... if he gets me we get this over and done with...

Y/n: No way... we need to stick together

Chad: Agreed.

Tara: Yeah sam you aren't going to die that easily.

Sam: But he wants me he wants to punish me... we can get this over and done with just by giving ME up!

Tara: No sam. You protected us all without you... we wouldn't be here

Y/n: Yeah we all care for you and we aren't gonna let you do that

Mindy: Yeah. did you hit your head or something?

Y/n: Yeah let US protect you! just this time.

Tara: Yeah...

Sam: No...

Tara: Yeah. We will protect you...

Y/n: Yeah you are apart of us and always will be.

Tara: Yea we our a team remember?

Mindy: No. Actually, we our family.

Chad: Yes, let's go! we our family that's right...

Y/n: Yeah, we got this...

Ethan: Okay isn't there just a place we can hide in... like a safe place?

Y/n: No... sadly he will just keep fucking coming back...

Tara: Yeah. wait...

"We all look at Tara who looks like she came up with an idea"

Tara: We can use that though... against him...

Y/n: W-What do you mean?

"Tara calls detective baily"

Baily: I'm getting my ass chewed up for not dropping the case and now you want me to do what?

Tara: We want you to lurer him into a secure location

Baily: T-Then what?

Tara: We execute him.

YES Lets go... y/n; thinks himself

Y/n: Dude speak up you going to help us or not?

Baily: Yea... Let's kill this son of a bitch

Just like that our plan was set into action

Note: HEHE

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