Victory And A New Start

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I was flying towards the chaos but I noticed Ladybug was tensed. Probably from before.
"Ladybug! I know you don't trust me and well......I show up out of blue but please...I assure you I'm not bad. I'm Nightwing holder of the owl miraculous. My miraculous grant me the power of Wisdom and Foresight.
Well with it I can't look into future or anything. My foresight power help me   to see through peoples feelings and  some of their memories when I hit them with my arrow." Isaid but there was still doubt in her eyes.
"I never heard of an owl miraculous how could I be sure. I even left Cat Noir behind!" She shout.
Ouch that kinda hurt.
"I know i'm sorry but you can't battle and protect him. Could you? Look it's okay if you don't trust me but we need to defeat the ak- uhh what was it?"
"Akuma!" She said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah Akuma! Well did you noticed anything weird with her." I asked in hope to figure something out.
"Well not actually. She just show up out of blue and start attacking students trapping them in their nightmares. And she doesn't have any weapon with her. She was shooting purple beams out of her hands!"
"Did she some kind of accessories? Neckless bracelets-"
"Earings I'm pretty sure she had them on. Than akuna must be-"
"In them but she have to figure out a way to take them off." I completed.
"Maybe I could call out for my lucky charm. It always tell us to what to do." Ladybug thought and look towards me.
"Yeah we could but first we need to take her away form everyone or else there will be more victim." I replied which she agrees.
"But where could she be at?"
"Leave it to me"
She stopped while I flew up in the air and start looking for her with my special eyesight.  With it I can look through evrything and detect the akuma easily.
I keep looking until I saw her at school looking at poster...Weird. What is in that poster?
I flew little closer to her and with my my eyesight it was easy to tell now. This is for a compition. Cheer leading tryouts ? I signal ladybug to follow me towards a building which was closer to the akuma. I land towards ladybug and we both look towards dream crusher she sure looked sad.
"What is she looking at?"
" Cheerleading Tryouts. I have an assumption that she wanted to participate in that compition but don't know what happened afterwards. Must have lost or couldn't participate." I shrug.
"Yeah must be something like that. If she's into cheer leading we might use it for advantage." Ladybug suggest.
"I guess. If so than I guess. So do you have a plan?" I said.

'Well she don't completely trust me so it's not like that she work with my plan. But we will in future'

I heard her sigh and she nodes.
"If it could help than sure I will work with you as a duo for now.....But! that doesn't mean anything until I get my answers." She sternly said and I happily nod.

"Okay so Nightwing  I have a plan. It is risky but I think it will work." LB said.
I nodded and motion her to elaborate her plan.
"I will act as a distraction. She don't know who you are and what your powers are so there are chances she'll play safe if it's you. I will distract her and make sure she follow me straight to the Eiffel tower. Now for your part while Dream crusher is busy, you have to make sure there are no civilian and look for an opening to attack.You can fly and easily dodge her attacks. I will call for my lucky charm if things went wrong." She explained. Wow it does sound like something which can work.
"Sound good to me. Okay Ladybug let's do this." I said.
" yeah we should go and put it into action. Can you tell where is she at?"
"Mhm.." I look in my surroundings looking for the akuma....
"She's at the City hall probably terrorizing the innocents.we have to hurry guess she's getting impatient."
LB just nod and swing away in that direction.Okay you got this if this Nightwing. Ladybug has put her trust into you just for now...

I flew towards the Eiffel tower with making sure if some civilians are along the way. Don't want them to get hurt or fell into deep slumber. But luckily there weren't any. I heard a evil laughter and saw that Ladybug and Dream crusher were coming towards the Eiffel tower. Guess she managed it huh. I hid my self and was watching there fight from the above.
I pull out my bow for a silent attack.
I focused towards the target and chant
When I pull the string a blue glow surround my hands forming an Arrow. Dream crusher noticed this and tried to dodge but luckily LB bind her with her yo yo to hold her still.
I fired the arrow which manage to hit her.
"Caste!!" My eyes turned white and I saw through her memories it always felt like hours but in reality it's only been a minute.
'Poor girl and Tbh that bully girl deserve what happened to her.'
The akuma's  getting weaker since she got hit by my arrow. I should get out of her or else she could go on a rampage.
With that I was back into the reality and noticed that Dream crusher on her knees. Ladybug noticed it as an opportunity and  grab her earnings.
Reality must have hit Dream crusher and she tried to hit LB one last time but I quickly manage to save LB and flew past the akuma.
"Quick ladybug!"
She crush the earings are there it was the akuma...or a butterfly?
Ladybug did her thing and purify it. The villain turn back into her original self and was looking around clueless. Ladybug pull out a owl keychain which was printed like her costume. Also why does it resemble me?
"What's up with that Keychain?!" I exclaimed.
"Uh...hehe....I used my lucky charm when you were looking for the akuma. Sorry I kinda didn:'t trust you enough and-"she said.
"You thought by using your lucky charm you could find a way to defeat Dream crusher but since it resemble me so much-" I said.
"I thought maybe it's telling me to listen to you." She completed.
"So in the end you trust me because of your lucky charm.."
" no well kind of but I thought maybe it's for best." She told me.
"Whatever all that matters that we did it." I smiled at her which she smiled back.
"Okay. Now."
"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!" She shouts while throwing her lucky charm towards the sky. Soon the charm form lots of ladybug who were shining pink. In the matter of time they cover the whole Paris and fix all the damage that was done.
'It is truly a miraculous!' I thought while my eyes were shimmering.
"Hey!! M'lady!" We both heard a voice shout.
It was Chat Noir and there was media too, like some blocks away.
He land beside us and frantically showered Ladybug with questions and " how truly pawsome she is"
I heard a sudden beeping.
"Crap I forgot about it." I muttered but the two hero's beside me look towards my back. I face them and noticed how  LB's partner was gawking at me.
"Wohoo so who are little birdy. Don't see you here. Are you like the new recruit?" He asked.
"Wow check it out people of paris a new heroine in action. She and Ladybug save paris together. Her costume is cool and pretty sure her powers too!!" I heard someone exclaimed and it was Alya!!
Behind her were some people and media. Great. I don't have time unlike other miraculous mine don't have the function where you have 5 minutes to transform back after using your special move.
Mine work way differently. I have to leave if it beep 2 times or else I will transform back on 3rd one.
'Gaah my bad luck!!'
"Uh I don't have enough time right now. "  I flew past the media and left as quickly as possible. But I was sure I heard along the lines.
"Wait tell us your name-"
"What are your powers-"
"What about the meeting"
I was sure the last one was LB so  I replied with a
"9 pm." and motioned to the top of Eiffel Tower.

"Whew what a day!"
All is left is the meeting with parisian Hero's and hopefully nothing bad should happened.

Haa! I did guys this chapter is finished.
I know it took me way to long than it should but I really was kinda busy. There are other stories that i was busy writing and completely forgot about this one. Sorry for delay!!!

But just bare with me.
Also if your still reading this....



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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