Chapter 4

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Judie stood in front of her mirror in the bathroom and let cold water run over her wrists. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were shiny and her dark hair, which she had put up this morning, had fallen out on the right side and as she pushed it aside she noticed a red spot on her neck.
Despite her shame, she had to smile a little. When was the last time she behaved like that? It must have been years ago.
She gently stroked the hickey with her fingertips. She still felt his rough lips there. However, nothing more had happened, which Judie now partly regretted in retrospect and partly not.
She had gently pushed him away and excused herself to the toilet. Not the best way, but she had been there for 10 minutes now, trying to calm down.
Was what she had done right or had she ruined everything?
Damn it, she scolded herself, I've only known this guy a few hours. I can't break anything there.
Judie turned off the faucet, dried her hands, and then opened the bathroom door.
There is silence in her apartment.
Robert wasn't even here anymore.
He left after she disappeared into the bathroom.
It was only logical that she hadn't heard the front door because the water had run.
Judie was disappointed and relieved at the same time.
Now she didn't need to talk to him about what had happened - and yet deep down she had hoped that when she came out and he would kiss her again and he would be there.
For these thoughts Judie hated herself in the same moment.
She was a grown woman and yet she could probably handle harmless kisses.

Judie entered the kitchen. She wanted to take her coffee and sit down on the couch with it, but she didn't get that far.
Robert leaned against her counter, cup of coffee in hand and looked at her with a smile.
Judie immediately felt herself blush.
What was he still doing here?
Why hadn't he gone?
"Hey," he replied at her confused expression.
Robert went up to her and put the cup of coffee in her hands.
Surprised, Judie grabbed it and immediately regretted it.
The cup was boiling hot.
She clattered it down on the table and rubbed her red hands on her pants.
"Damn, sorry! I didn't know..." Robert left the sentence unchanged as Judie waved it off.
It definitely wasn't the first time she had burned her hands on hot coffee and it would be fine anyway.
The two stood in the kitchen for a while without speaking.
"I-" then all of a sudden they both started at once.
Judie smiled embarrassed and nodded to Robert.
He chewed on his bottom lip and looked into her eyes.
"I... I guess I don't regret it," he finally began.
Judie nodded. After all, he had started it.
The next part of the sentence was far more interesting.
When Robert didn't continue, Judie said, "...but?"
Robert shook his head in confusion.
"But what?" he wanted to know.
Judie looked at him.
"You said you didn't regret it, but...?"
Robert took a step towards her and leaned on the counter at her side.
"There's no 'but'. I don't regret it..." he hesitated just before he uttered the next words. "...and I would like to repeat it"

He glanced down at the floor and then straight into Judie's face.
He laughed briefly at her expression.
Was she really surprised?
Was the thought of it so absurd for them?
Judie still didn't answer.
Did he make a mistake?
But then he saw a very delicate smile in the corners of her mouth and gathered the necessary courage to take the next step.
He took another step towards her and carefully bent down to her.
He wanted to give her enough time if she changed her mind.
But Judie didn't back down.
On the contrary: Her hands had found their way to his chest by themselves and she supported herself there.
When Robert finally laid his lips on hers, she pressed against him demandingly.
Robert smiled into the kiss.

Judie's hands wandered over his shoulders where they finally wrapped around seven necks.
His arms were wrapped around her waist and he leaned even closer to her.
Judie closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss in every phase of her body.
When Robert finally pulled his lips from hers to catch his breath, his eyes shone.
His arms stay around her body and Judie was glad because she felt like she was falling.
Her knees were shaking and when Robert saw that, he grinned cheekily.
"Well, someone really threw you off track, didn't he?" he whispered against her cheek.
"Shut up and kiss me," she whispered softly in his ear.
And that's exactly what he did.
Judie had been in a few relationships before, but she had never met anyone she kissed within hours and felt so incredibly safe.
First doubts moved in her.
Did he even want a relationship?
And most of all, did he want one with her?
What if that was just a nice change of pace for him?

Robert felt her tense and pushed her a little away from you.
"Is everything alright?" he asked cautiously.
Judie nodded, but he didn't believe her.
Robert looked at her briskly, but Judie just gave him a quick kiss.
"I'm just tired," she explained.
"You'd best lie down anyway," Robert said worriedly.
She smiled and let him escort her to her bedroom, where she lay down on her bed.
Robert knelt down next to her and gently brushed her hair away from her face.
"Are you staying until I'm awake?" she asked.
His nodding face was the last thing she saw before she fell asleep and slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Hope you like the Chapter.
I'd be glad if you wrote your opinion in the comments. negative comments are also welcome.
See you.

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