1••• L meets Lia.

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*It was late evening as L decided to take a walk*
*He walked a little bit and saw a scene:*
Lia: Leave me alone!
Robber: *takes her arm and her handbag* You'll come with me!
Lia: No I..-!
*The robber was about to punch her as L grabbed his arm and threw him a few metres behind*
Lia: Huh??!
Robber: What is your problem? Leave now and i won't do anything to you!
L: To abuse a living being like this is a high committed act of crime. You first deal with me.
Lia: Um mister..?
*The robber wanted to kick L but he took his leg and spinned him around, throwing him into trash cans*
L: Oh and before i forget..
*L hold up a badge of the police, making the robber believe he was a police officer, In real he got the badge because Soichiro Yagami forgot it at the organization Building, covering the name.*
Robber: Huuagh!😨
L: Oh and before i forget again.. you're arrested!
*L called the police over and they went with the man in jail*
*L looked up to the woman, and walked towards her*
L: Are you alright?
Lia: Uh yea, thank you. Can you tell me where the next café is?
L: If you walk 200 metres from here straight and then 14 metres left and then you turn right.
Lia: Thank you mister...
L: Hideki Ryūga.
Lia: Can i invite you for a coffee tomorrow as a thanks?
L: Sure. Is 7pm alright?
Lia: Yea. Thanks again!
L: Anytime!
*The woman left and L went back in the office*
L: Weird.
*meanwhile Lia was thinking about what happend*
*at the next Day Lia went to the café and saw L sitting in his typical pose at a table*
Lia: I'm so sorry i'm so late, my sister called me and needed my help over the phone.
L: Its alright, that was more important i'd say.
Lia: Oh thank you.
*Lia sat down and they both ordered something.*
*as it arrived she paid and they started drinking the coffee after talking a while*
Lia: Can i trust you Hideki?
L: Yea!
Lia: I want to bring Kira and Kira 2 behind bars!
*L looked a little surprised and sipped his coffee*
L: Why?
Lia: Do you remember the man on the news trying to help a child and to do that he broke another child's toy, what lead to the needed help.?
L: Yea?
Lia: That was my father. Kira killed him but father was all right! And also there are worse crimes than that! Not saying that i support Kira!
L: I understand.
Lia: And my mother has fallen in a deep depression.. she says that she's only alive because i am.
*They talked a while and then left to Lia's hotel*
L: It was a pleasure to bring you here and drinking that coffee with you.
Lia: Thanks.
L: So.. see you soon.
Lia: What?
L: Nothing!
*L left and Lia went into her apartment*
*While working on the Kira case, L thought of Lia sometimes and Lia also thought about L!*

Posted: 16th March 2023
Time: 8:39am CEST/CET
(Happy late New Year!🥰❤️🥳)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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