The Wrongfully accused

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"Miss Cassie Laudhrin, we are very disappointed in you... despite your last name we'll have to rule out the usual punishment." The judge sighed

"You're going to strip me of my powers and send me to a realm without magic." Cassie said slowly.

"Um...Mr.Thia can I talk to Cassie alone for a moment?" Said one of the reinforcers, that arrested her.

"Make it quick."

The reinforcer held her by her arm as he took a her to a small room with a table and two chairs. He quickly closed the door behind him. "This room is sound proof, we can talk freely."

"You have the wrong person! Why would I kill my own security guards!?" Cassie cried out desperately.

"Your not a full blooded fae... Are you?" The reinforcer asked

"I'm as full blooded as you." Cassie answered.

"But thats the thing I'm not a full blood." He smiled

"Prove it."

"The ability to command comes with being a reinforcer but this doesn't."

He held out his palms and Calie gasped. "The mark of the seer."

The mark of the seer was a like scar, shaped like an eye on each of the palms.

Cassie carefully grasped his hands before she was pulled into a vision.

They were in a hospital room and Cassie was sitting by the bed looking at the patient. "I can't believe you're alive." She smiled. "Not for long I'm not... get me out of here." The patient said in a hushed tone. The face of the patient was finally revealed and the vision ended.

"That was my mom." Cassie whispered.

"Yes, but the future is changing, there are so many different ways this could end. I need you to stop time so we can get out of here. There not going to strip you of your powers, they are going to kill you."

"So even the council wants us dead?"

"Yes... Cassie we need to leave here right now."

Before he finished talking Cassie took his hands and closed her eyes, then she opened them.

"Nothing seems different." The reinforcer said.

"What's your name?" Cassie asked.


"Okay Jonathan, never doubt my abilities and never let go of my hand." Cassie smiled before they ran out the door hand in hand.

They were out of the out of the building and Cassie stopped.

"Where to?" She asked, puzzled.

Ladro appeared in front of them smiling. "I'm so happy you both made it out of there safely."

"Ladro, what are you doing here?" Cassie asked, glaring at him, Jonathan's hand tightened around her hand, but he kept quiet.

"To get you guys of here, of course
Now hold my hand and don't let go, I'm not responsible if you die on the way there." Ladro said grabbing both of their hands.

A gust of wind encircled them and as the wind settled down they realized they were in a different place.

"What is this place?" Cassie asked in wonder, letting go of both Jonathan and Ladro's hands.

"Home." Jonathan said.

The place seemed like paradise, pixies ran around, elves and faeries coexisted, unusual things to see. It was like a jungle, plants and flowers. The trumpet lilies made soft sounds as you passed by them.

''Why is here so..." Cassie trailed off.

''So beautiful, carefree, accepting?" Lardo finished.

"Everyone here is a half blood," Jonathan explained.

''What would happen if the council knew about this place?" Cassie quietly asked

"They would kill everyone."

"Jonathan, when will I see my mother?" Cassie asked anxiously.

"I don't know and If I did, I couldn't tell you... it might change the future and then you will never see your mother. I'm just afraid I might not be there to see any of it."

"What? You're not coming with me?"

"I'm sorry... I've seen my death, it's close."

"I don't understand..." Cassie trailed off.

"Don't worry about it, but we do have to leave here."

Cassie looked around in sadness, it was dark now, all the creatures were asleep.

"Where's Ladro?"She asked quietly.

Ladro suddenly appeared in front of them. "You called? He smirked.

Cassie rolled her eyes. "So where to now?"

"Lexton." Ladro grabbed both of their hands and a gust of wind enveloped them.

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