Amanda x Constanze story

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This just tells u about what's basically happening with Amanda. Kinda I think.
So this is a different AU and it's mostly about Amanda but I'll do this again for all the others or if some one wants a certain character say in the comments and I'll do it after I see it. This is about Amanda being a werewolf and witch but no one knows she's a wolf, also she's an alone wolf, she isn't part of the friend group and she doesn't get noticed a lot but is still a trouble maker. Her broom had magic on it and now is like her own pet in her case friend has personal problems and anxiety issues. Also Amanda may also be part of another mythical creature but no one knows that one either.
Long chapter ahead ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

3rd persons PoV (SC)

Amanda O'Neil.

NO.1 trouble maker in all history Luna Nova has ever been around.

In the courtyard with her broom -most likely practicing acrobatics- practise racing her speed, accuracy and agility for the biggest race of all year round.

"I can't believe I had to be partnered with people." She slammed her back against the hardened, cold stone wall. "Shit I think that was to much power. I'll sort it out later."

But little did she know some one was there . Watching. Watching closely. Watching really closely to her actions. 'So this is our teammate. Amanda O'Neil. I believe from what's been told she's a trouble maker, talented at acrobatic works with her broom. Interesting' the person had thought to them selves.

"Come on King we're getting this practise shut done and over with then heading back to our place. Since u know what time of year it is now." She looked at her pet then at the course she had setter up.

"It may be a little harder then normal since of my back but we only have 1 hour to get through this and back without a single scar." Her face growing more passionate with every work said by the seconds.

'This'll be provocative'

Taking flight now. Fire smeared around the the circles only barely able to get an alligator through, then ramps trees only metres apart blocking is only options you'll ever see with in this case.

Leaning forward. "U ready boy it's time this is it?. Tia Freyre!" She shouted not loud but not shyly either enough to get it going. Flight had begun ducking so she could get through the circles flames throwing themselves around every direction they could.

Making it through a least 7 then onto the trees and ramps. The first was ramp a massive one at that. Leading its way to the sky where a tree was waiting. When getting up full speed and turned quickly to the left aside from it and taking quick lefts and sharp rights.

Then the one she was ready for and was cut of by last time. Swiftly turning the broom inside down along with her self. Having to quickly turn her self back up to doge the next one.

'Knew it she's got some real talent. This one seems like an worthy teammate let's hope they can get through with us if she can then it's a good luck with the rest.' Then they flew away leaving the sky alone stars were forming the moon was shining the brightness enough to bright the sky with its magical bright light.

"Now that was bits easier then the last come on let's get back. Oh fuck right we have those dorm things starting tomorrow I'll need to come to the shack every night once a year. But what will I do with u I'll get u a few things okay and ur own little place to sleep in there." He just had a noise escape his mouth a painting from the fire grabbing at him.

(After getting all stuff and having sleep and it's the next day and there getting in the hall for the announcement of the new dorms)

Amanda's PoV

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