Sleep, check

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Constanzes PoV (MC)

I woke up feeling the familiar warm touch as I normally did. I made at least a grunt or two catching Amanda's attention.

"Hey Cons. Still tired?" I was a little tired but didn't really care. My head was hurting a bit and I just remembered what the occasional pain and drama had been about for the past few hours. She seemed to have noticed reaching her hand up and petting my ear this was like all the others but a little more softer gentle warm feeling.

I ended up making a few small purrs at it my tail started to wag around hitting one of my legs then the other.

"Aww why have u got to be so god damb cute!" She cooed at me I gave her a frustrated grunt towards her.

"Ay don't give me that tone of language. U a small pup." I hated the sound of being called 'small pup' I gave her another grunt and she kept her hand on my ear. One of my eyes were closed from this moment of movement.

"Now that's more like it Cons good puppy" I hate these new nicknames. I sat between her lap wrapping my tail around her leg. She put her arms around my waist the tip of my tail was still moving side to side.

"Ur a teddy bear well puppy but ur my teddy only mine no one else's." I didn't bother making a movement since I liked this feeling and did she really just say 'ur my teddy only mine' I hate this I feel like a bottom it wasn't all to bad.

She put her head into my shoulder facing my neck, I felt her warmth hit my skin from her breath. Since, my tail was wrapped round her leg as in saying that she can't and I won't let her move from this place.

"I'm going to sleep now night night pup" she's not going to stop with the names is she?. I don't wanna know why she was going to sleep at like five o'clock. But I don't mind sleep is sleep to me.

Hannah's PoV

I've been checking in with Barbara for these past few days she says she's 'okay' but I don't believe her for some reason.

We were just walking away from the courtyard since of the last event show that had gone off.

"Barbs I'm bored what is there to do?" She looked at me and shrugged.

"I don't really know at a time like this we can't leave the school it's becoming dark so I don't know" it's becoming dark already. We stopped in the hallway just a few minutes away from the dorm. But before we continued to walk away I went behind Barbara and put my arms round her waist.

"Hannah really were in the middle of the hallway" I just put my head on her shoulder she patted my head then started to pet my ears. My tail started to wag not fast but a bit of like a slow movement.

"Aww some one really enjoys being pet don't they?" I nodded my head since it's basically my weakness. We started to move again so I had to let go. As I was doing just that I heard a noise it only really seemed like I could hear it since Barbara didn't stop or seem to have heard it.

"U alright Hannah?" I ignored the question till I was able to make out some of the words then that got me furious the people's voice who it had belonged to seemed as in they were bullying some one -I know we did to but now we've changed now we help people- Barbara had came up to me wrapping her arms round me from the waist.

"Han?" I then snapped out of it and looked at her.

"Mmh?" She didn't really know why I did that until I grabbed her hand. I pulled her to the place the noise was coming from we were behind a wall and as Barbs was going to ask me something I put my hand on her mouth. I leant across the wall and pulled her to me so her back was facing me.

I want allowing her to talk. Looking around the corner there was blood everywhere walls, lockers and the ceiling.

"Oi remember what I said when we tell u to do something u do it understand!" They was a little noise from the lower class witch. I ended up whimpering at the sound on how loud they were.

'Wait won't this remind her of that!' I then after getting it through my head I looked at Barbara and she was on the edge of whimpering and shivering. I pulled her in closer to me putting my head on her neck and giving her a small peck on the cheek.

"I know what this reminds u of so if u want we can go to the dorm?" She didn't seem to really move until she turned around and nodded. I tilted her head up so she could look at me I have a gentle warm smile to her letting her know it's safe. I grabbed her hand a little softer then the last.

"Actually give me a second I'm gonna do something" she looked at me all gone out until I gave her a peck on the lips and winked at her a goodbye.

(After getting all stuff done with and getting  to the dorm)

I came back with a bit of blood and scars round my face. I opened the door revealing Barbara sat on a chair -most likely waiting for me to return- with her eyes closed. After she had heard the door open her eyes instantly opened up. Then as she examined me her eyes widened.

"Hannah what did u do?!" I just looked at her before remembering the scars and all that covering my face. She had got up and looked for the wipes and bandages.

"So that person that was being mean. I may or may not have beated the shit out of them.:)" she took a deep breath before coming to me. Reaching her hand up to my face a bit to quickly. 'Growl noise'

"Oh fuck sorry Hannah that was a bit to fast wasn't it?" I nodded my head to her and she did the same again but slower then before. This didn't trigger my instincts to growl.

"There done" Nodding my head to her and pulling her closer to me with my tongue stuck out just a bit.

"Aww I'm going to die stop being so cuteeee!" I laughed at this my tail starting to wag round a bit. I smirked at her then did something that made her blush a hard red.

"Roar" I did it in a childish manner so it did sound cute she fell backwards.

"Oopies" I think, I may or may not have done a but to much in that.

I had put her on my bed and laid down next to her waiting patiently for her to wake up the funniest thing is though she still has the red-flush colure around her cheeks. She woke up not to long after as she sat up I followed along with her.

"Bad tiger but also cute tiger" she seemed to have remembered what I had done. She reached her hand up going to pet it ears but before she could I put my tail in-front of me and her.

"Mmh?" I was starting to get impatient at the long wait before looking at her then my tail as in saying 'pet my tail' she soon got it and put her hand softly on the top of it. My eyes were heavy but I forced myself to stay awake.

"Hannah sleep I know u want to sleep" whilst, she was finishing her sentence I snuggled up closer to her chest.

"Reh bleh fine" I slowly went to sleep as well as she had also been doing. She slowly started running her fingers through my hair.

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