Ch2-Las Vegas

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I moved into Plutus Heights and everything was going well until Shiva showed up and rocked the boat. He told everyone I was his girlfriend and at first i was weirded out but then started to think maybe he was actually a pretty cool guy. Well then he went and ruined that by asking me out on a date - only to show me off, which resulted in him going to jail for drunk driving. As I bailed him out he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend for real...

To be honest when he told me that he liked me, I was pretty moved. His deep voice and sincere look really touched my heart. But then reality hit me - Shiva was still too young and ebullient. He probably just wanted me to be his girlfriend due to his contemporary feelings.

So I held my breath for a second and replied to him, "Shiva, I'm sorry but I don't think I could be your girlfriend now. I think we'd better have more time to get to know each other."

He seemed disappointed but managed to give me a smile and said, "Yes as long as you want."

After that, we went home and as we got home, no one even asked if we were fine and what just happened to us. Instead, Sameer just blurted out, "Shiva, you loser - you need to rely on girls to help you!! Come on bro - sort yourself out."

Then he smirked at me. Ugh!! what was wrong with Sameer? Shiva was his cousin. How could he be so heartless? And, he was being stereotypical saying that if girls helped him out, he was weak.

This was too much it made me so angry. I honestly couldn't hold back my feelings so I said to Sameer, "Hey if you don't have anything nice to say, then just keep your mouth shut Sameer. Its better that way."

Seriously, I couldn't stand Sameer one bit. Out of all the guys living in Plutus Heights, Sameer was the worst - he was just so rude. And from how he treated us at the investment club, it was clear he didn't respect anyone.

One time the club had a meeting to discuss an investment plan for a fancy restaurant for rich people in Las Vegas and seeing as my family were in the restaurant industry I plucked up the courage to share my ideas, but Sameer shot down every single idea - and even had the cheek to tell me that my ideas were stupid and too risky.

It took me all my strength not to storm out of there. He was horrible had it not been for my enthusiasm, I would have withdrawn from the club since I couldn't stand Sameer's unpleasant personality.

Talk about the project after two months of non-stop researching, it came to my most exciting part - we were about to fly to Las Vegas to check out the market. Our group had four members and we gathered to board the plane. When we boarded the plane, Sameer deliberately pushed past me so he could get to his seat first. This guy!

Was he still pissed off about the time when I told him to shut up? Probably.

The trip went quite successfully. We had gathered a lot of useful information for our investment plan after working hard on our project. In our last night in Las Vegas, before flying back to New York, we went to the casino to blow off some steam.

I had never seen anything like it in my life. There were people everywhere - betting thousands of dollars - it looked fun but I had no idea how to play, so I just watched the gamblers and took it all in. As I was wandering around I felt someone grab my hand. It was Sameer.

He was sitting playing a game of poker and it looked intense. I tried to walk away from him but he asked me to give it a try. He was polite, so I agreed and sat down next to him. He taught me the basic rules and to my complete surprise I was hooked - I got so into it and by the third round I was really playing well.

Call it beginner's luck - but there was no denying that Sameer and I actually made a pretty good team. He actually called me his 'lucky goddess' at one point!

Every time we won, he gave me a high five and at one point he even gave me a massive hug. I guess he just got so caught up in the excitement of winning but it felt good to be hugged by someone so handsome. Don't get me wrong, it's just a cheering hug between friends isn't it?

We played for hours and then eventually we got over it and went to the bar to get some drinks and celebrate how much money we'd won. By then it was super late and I was exhausted so Sameer walked me back to my room and said good night.

As I flopped onto my bed, I thought to myself, maybe Sameer isn't as bad as I thought he was and then I drifted off into a drunken sleep, where I thought about how fun we were that night and how handsome Sameer was.

The next morning when I woke up, I had the worst headache. Clearly, I drank too much. I looked at the clock and freaked out - I had definitely missed my flight! I grabbed my phone and was about to call Sameer when I noticed I already had two missed calls from him and then there was a text saying: You little sleepyhead, guess I'll see you back in Yew York then...

I couldn't believe he had left me here in Las Vegas all on my own. There was me thinking he was actually quite a nice guy and now he had gone and done this? Not cool at all!

Well I guess I had to spend another day or so in Vegas. Could be worse? I lay in bed for a while trying to get over my hangover and then I went on to facebook. I couldn't believe it - Arjun had posted a status checking in to Las Vegas!

I messaged him right away asking what he was doing here, and then he said he was putting on a show at a theater in the city. He invited me to join and I agreed, because it's not like I had other plans.

That night Arjun sent someone to pick me up and take me to the theater. When I arrived, he was waiting outside to welcome me and we chatted a bit. I told Arjun that Sameer had left me here all alone and he just started laughing. He said, "What a strange guy! How could he leave a girl as naive and sweet as you all alone in Vegas? Don't worry, we'll go back to New York together!"

"I'M NOT NAIVE!" I shouted, but Arjun just laughed.

"What happened? Seems like you have some ego," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Sure I do. I'm a babe magnet and I love it!" he said and winked.

Then he started stroking my hair like I was his little sister or something. "Anyway, stay for the show, okay." 

I was kind of surprised by how gentle and sweet he was being. I never really spent any time with Arjun. Then he said that he had to go backstage and get ready for the show.

I'm not gonna lie, I assumed that Arjun was only popular because he was good at promoting himself on social media but when I watched him singing up there on stage like that - I was gobsmacked! He was incredible!

Now I understood why all the girls swooned around him - not only was he a babe, he was so flipping talented too. After the show, I waited outside for Arjun and then he said I could fly back to New York with him in his private jet, and that his driver would take me to the hotel to get my bags.

Wow! What a nice guy was Arjun! We basically spent the whole flight chatting. Arjun was so easy-going and it was so comfortable for me to talk to him. Although famous, he was pretty much down to earth. I really enjoyed his company.

Turns out, being left alone isn't too bad. I got to know Arjun more and had an enjoyable experience. We arrived home early the next morning, and we were both so tired that I went straight to bed and slept until after lunch.

When I woke up, I played on my phone for a bit - scrolling through social media - and that's when I saw it - an article had gone viral that Arjun was having an affair with none other than ME!!!

There were photos of us at the theater and even a photo of him stroking my hair. I started to panic as this was all just some crazy misunderstanding. How had I got caught up in the world of showbiz and gossip?

I panicked and didn't know what to do next! While I was puzzled and worriedly scrolling down the pictures, suddenly my door burst open and Nisha barged into my room. I didn't need to guess why.

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