The Confrontation

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(Trigger Warning: Cussing, Betrayals and Mostly Angst)
(Drew hanging out with the Jomies)
Jake (enraged): DREW!!
(Jake walks over to Drew with anger; death staring him (oh great, here we go again with the death stares ;-;))
Drew (scared): Oh! H-hey Jake. How is it go-
(Interrupts Drew)
Jake (enraged): Did you record me?
Drew (confused): Ummmm... What do you mean?
Jake (enraged): Yesterday, there was you, Zoey, Lia, Liam and Henry in your house. One of you must have recorded me. Now tell me. WHO WAS IT??!!!
Zoey (suspicious): Well?
Jake (enraged): Zoey, did you really have to cheat on Drew with your sugar daddy?
(Zoey suddenly feels confused)
Drew (conflicted): Zoey, is that true?
Zoey (confused): I-I can ex-explain.
Jake (enraged): Drew, if you don't know what I mean by recording, I mean THIS.
(Jake shows the recording to Drew)
Drew (starts to get angry): Look, I am not sure what you are trying to do, but-
Drew (mad): So, what?! Those freaks are taking you away from ME! So, shut up you stupid, ungrateful brat!!
(Jake starts to get more mad)
Jake (irritated): You know what Drew, we are done.
(Drew then stops Jake)
Drew (upset): Jake, stop! I am sorry for calling that! Do not turn your back on me now!
Jake (irritated): I SHOULD HAVE TURNED MY BACK ON YOU AGES AGO! Now, bye. Manipulating f**ker.
(Jake runs away from Drew, while Henry, Lia, Zoey and Liam comfort Drew)
Drew (mad): You know what Zoey, did you cheat on me?!
(Lia, Liam and Henry realize)
Zoey: You know what, I did. I think you deserve to get cheated. Your just jealous that I have a better and richer boyfriend than you and I think Jake deserves to get hated on a thing we don-
(Drew slaps Zoey)
Drew (betrayed): How could you!! I hate Jake being in the club too, but I think you went way too far. You know what, we are f**king done!!
Zoey: Drew! Please! I am your friend!
Drew (mad): Let go of me Zoey! I never wanted a friend that is a bully anyway!
(Drew, being betrayed, runs away from Zoey)
Henry: Why? Why in the everlasting f**king sh!t did you do something like that to Drew and Jake.
Liam: Yeah. Why? Henry, let's go find Drew. Also Zoey, DELETE THAT STUPID POST OF YOURS!
Milly (in her mind): I can't believe my eyes right now. Jake actually turned his back on Drew. I am glad for Jake, the Jomies are overrated anyways. Zoey does not have a lover, cause she cheated on him??! Wow, what a fake lover.
(Jake sits on the roof, feeling betrayed)
Jake (in his mind): Why did Drew have to call me an ungrateful brat. He was the only friend I had, but he had to betray me. I should have left Drew and the others and stay with the club. I FREAKING HATE DREW BECAUSE OF IT!
Daisy: Jake. What is wrong?
Jake: I think Drew betrayed me. He has to be the one recording me and shared it with Zoey.
Daisy: What?!! I can't believe him!
Jake: Yeah. I feel you.
Daisy: Alright, you may come now.
(Jake can't believe his eyes)
Jake (surprised): Wha? Milly? I thought you hated me.
Milly: Well, I saw what you did and I knew you did not mean it. Thankfully, Hailey shared the recording to the club, so, I forgive you a whole lot Jake.
(Jake starts to feel better).
Jake: Thanks Milly.

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