Jake's POV

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I mean, I know, Hailey might not give me a second chance. But, I realized that all regrets must be told in a manner, depending on your attitude. I mean, I know who made me like this. It was Drew. I knew about it this entire time, by that time, I started to rage and push the microphone stand with the microphone on it. I was actually crying, regretting everything I have done. I mean, Hailey walked by, and heard me crying, she came in and said something like, "Jake, what did we tell you to stay away from the music club." She then noticed me crying, and I ran over to her. I said that I wanted to explain everything, every error I had done in the past. It was a long and rough past, so I just won't say all of it. After I explained all of it, Hailey actually forgave me? I can't believe it. I was starting to cry again. I remember now. I was not happy, but the club was lifting me up mentally.

DREW!" I screamed, and my god was I mad. I was talking to him about the recording. It actually was a long argument. Drew actually betrayed me. Daisy, was on the roof when I was crying for the third time. She called Milly, and Milly said that she forgives me. Now, I think Drew hit rock bottom now.

Oh geez. The Competition, it is our turn now. Okay, deep breaths. Alright, let's do this!

My god that was a close win. I can't believe we actually won! All of the music club forgave me, even Zander. Now, let's make music, like the old times, together. Many hours later, the club was just taking a quick walk around the city. Until, we heard something, followed the sound, and I saw Daisy. Daisy? Learning how to play music? I know, the club hadn't got that much auditions, but, one of my crushes playing an instrument, makes it better.

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