After the Competition

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Announcer: WOW! That was real close! So, since it is a tie on votes, we will do this - raise your hand if you think The School Music Club won.
(a couple of people raise their hands, even Daisy and Elliot)
Announcer: Raise your hand if you think (insert band name here) won.
(only a few people raise their hands)
Announcer: That is really close, but the overall winner has got to be The School Music Club. Give them a hand!
(a big applause for the club)
At the music room...
Zander: I know! Oh, and Jake.
Jake: What is it Zander?
Zander: All of us are really sorry for not letting you explain. I think I just got my anger the best of me.
Jake: It is fine. It happens to all of us.
Luke: I agree with you Jake.
Hailey: I am glad you told me the truth. I mean, I guess I would steal the spotlight if you handed me the microphone 😏.
Jake: Another challenge, I see 😏?
Sean: Look at that, another ship is going to set sail.
Milly: I knew that would happen 😏.
Jake: Well, how about we do music together, just like the old times.
(everyone except Jake say "Yeah!" with a blast of excitement)
Many hours later...
Milly: That was awesome!
Hailey: Yeah, I know! Oh! Jake, thanks for bringing that confidence in me. I really appreciate it.
Jake (charismatic): Oh. It is no problem. I guess you really do like my company 😏.
Hailey: Jake, stop.
(All hear something)
(The music club follow the sound, and see Daisy playing a piece from Beethoven)
Jake (in his mind): Wait! Daisy??!
Hailey: Jake, y'know, I think we did not have that many auditions lately. So, there you go; another person playing an instrument.
Jake: Yeah. I think so.

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