Chapter One- {feeling them}

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Past time: 1967

"You can't tell anyone we've discovered this" the unknown man tries to end the conversation but it starts up again by the other man speaking up.

"But if we tell the world, the new generation could be so much more then what we've imagined-"

"No! If you were a random person in this world, who didn't know about this information, then suddenly there's demons and angels that are real. What would you think then?" He says in one breath very committed to trying to convince them not to send out this information.

"So No, it would kill us" he continues and puts his two hands on the wooden table "this would kill us" he whispers once more.

Present time: 2023 Scarlets pov

"Stop getting shit that doesn't matter" I roll my eyes and cross my arms. I don't even wanna be here but Amanda forced me too.

I feel like ordering online and waiting is better than being in a mall with random people, who don't even know you. And I hate when they bump into you and they don't even say 'sorry'.

Like how hard is it to say 'sorry'.

"Hey, this sweater is important. and mother said get anything. Let me say that again she said get 'Anything!'" She chuckles and looks back at the purple sweater.

Her blonde hair is up in a ponytail, and she's dressed in all black.

"That is such an ugly sweater" I sigh "I'll be in the car" I quickly turn away from her and start walking out of Walmart before Amanda tries to convince me to stay.

I basically sprint to the black SUV and quickly unlock the door. I sit in the passenger seat, and now on my phone watching funny videos.

30 minutes go by and I sigh "This is boring" I say to myself and put my phone down in the cup holder. As soon as I put my phone down my head starts pounding out of nowhere.

My breathing gets heavier as my heart starts to hurt. My vision gets blurry as I see a dark shadow around the car.

What's happening?

1967 third Person

"Everyone run!" A elderly man screams and everyone does.

The elderly man pulled the emergency alarm that was right next to him as he sees a black shadow walking towards him.

He looks around the place to see a way out of this stone factory and finds a window. He looks back at the shadow to see it's gone.

Confusion runs through his face but soon it gets wiped with shock. He shakingly puts his hand on his chest as now there's a hole where his heart should be.

As the man slides down the wall the black shadow appears again in front of him. The shadow crouch's down and tilted its head at the man.

"What a shame" the shadow darkly states and chuckles his voice sounding demonic.

Then the shadow disappears.

2023 Scarlet pov

I slowly sat up in my seat holding my head, what the hell was that dream?. And what the hell was that shadow around the car.

It was the same shadow I seen in that dream.

I hear multiple knocks on the window but I'm scared to look. I close my eyes praying that this isn't my last day here on this earth.

I look at the window and release the air I didn't know I was holding as I see it's Amanda out there looking annoyed.

I see she's pointing to the lock and I quickly unlock it. She gets in and closes the door while looking at me kind of worried.

"What?" I breathe out.

"Are you okay? You were just knocked out there, I thought maybe you had died. And your so pale" she tried to touch my face but I hit her hand before she does so.

"I'm fine, I guess I was tired" I sigh.

Should I tell her? She won't believe me but I'll give it a shot.

"Actually, as soon as I got into the-" I stop my words and I look past Amanda and out the window to see the same black shadow across the street looking directly at me.

It's red eyes shining like lasers.

"What?" She looks at where I'm looking and looks back at me confused.

"I think I'm going crazy" I look at Amanda and back out the window but the shadows gone.

Maybe I shouldn't talk about it. Maybe the advil is ruining my brain.

"N-nothing. Uhm where to next?" I ask as I smile weakly.

"Hmm, you're very interesting today" she chuckles brushing off what just happened "but home, because I can tell you're tired and I'm also tired" she smiles and starts the car.

"Thank you" I say and lay my head on the window, as she drives off.


"Eat your food honey" my mother says to me as she stuffed her mouth with potatoes.

She has straight brown hair and a button nose. She looks nothing like us, well actually because all of her children are adopted. Really happy I got a place in this lovely home.

I continue picking at my food. After what happened I just lost my appetite. It's weird, it feels like the shadow is still with me.

I wonder if I'm a sidekick, and I can see ghosts and see their wrongs. Because what that shadow did was wrong.

He was just a person doing his job, he was just an old person doing his job. And the shadow killed him for fun.

"Scar!" I hear my brother raise his voice like he's been calling my name for a minute.

"Sorry" I snap my eyes from my table to him.

"What's wrong? If you wanna talk I'm here" Kaden smiles.

My brother is 30. I love my brother, he's the person I can go to and he won't snitch, or judge me. He has tan skin and black curly hair.

Same with my sister. If anything happens to them, I'll die. Like drop dead quickly.

They're like my hero's.

"No, I'm just tired, it's probably stress?" I try to convince them but really trying to convince myself.

"Yeah probably, you should drink more tea" he offers and takes a sip of his drink.

He loves tea, he says tea is his baby and he could never get sick of it.

"Maybe" I chuckle and take a bite of my mashed potatoes.

A heat rush hits me which causes me to flinch.

"Sorry" I say quickly and stand up from my seat. Everyone looks at me confused but I ignore them and take my plate to the kitchen.

I put my plate in the sink and sprint to my bedroom which is down stairs in the basement. This heat. It's burning me. I go into my bathroom, turn on the shower and put it to a cold temperature.

Without even taking my clothes off I step in, the heat instantly leaving my skin.

What's happening, I want this to stop. It feels like it's crawling up my skin, like I'm dying but slowly and painful.

It's that fucking shadow. I've gone mad.

I turn off the shower and just stand there feeling the water drops hit my feet. Why me? God why me.

After a few minutes I step out of the shower and take my clothes off just to put on my pyjamas

I need sleep, I turn off all my light and lay down on my bed with no cover over me just in case I feel that hot burning feeling again

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