chapter 13

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i meet up with kai after school to give him my answer.

i walk up to him and he says


"hi" i answer

"so.." he says

"i'm sorry but.. i have a thing for someone else." i reply walking away leaving him there all alone

i go to the triplets house after school even tho i said i wasn't.

i go up to chris's room as usual and see him sitting there, in pajamas, and playing a video game.

he looks over to me and smiles.

i go up to him and give him a quick peck knowing that'll take his attention away from the game.

he grabs my waist, making me sit on his lap.

then he starts talking to his friends again.

i drop my phone and go to grab it, chris then blushing, says

"stop moving around so much"

"sorry, just grabbing my phone" i say moving around more this time

he grabs my waist making me stop and i laugh.

he mutes his mic, and says

"why do you always have to do this to me"

"i just love messing with you" i say

he pulls me into a kiss.

a few seconds later i pull away from him and get up sitting on his bed.

"wouldn't want to interrupt your game"

"come backkk" he says fake pouting

"nope" i answer

he then starts walking over to me. grabbing my face and kissing me, again.

he places one hand on my thigh and i feel electricity flow thru my body.

one of his friends then say

"chris what's going on"

i thought chris would go answer his friends, but he didn't. he kept kissing me.


i'm laying in chris's bed as i see him on the game. i got tired of watching and said

"can i play"

"maybe later" he replies

"why not now" i ask him

"ok fine" he says

i sit in the chair and play.

i hear his friends talking and laughing.

"hi" i say

"when did chris's voice get so cute" one boy says

"it's not chris" i reply

chris just stands there shaking his head. he comes closer to the mic and says

"only I can call her voice cute"

"chris, we didn't know you had a girlfriend" another boy says

"what's her instagram" one says

"it's livysmain" i reply laughing

"also i'm not his girlfriend" i add

"she's pretty as fuck" one says

"so she's a free agent" the other adds

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