1 - Blair

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Song: People you know by Selena Gomez

2 weeks later

I've always loved walking ever since me, my dad and little sister moved to Rhode island when I was 15. So walking to school has never been a problem and if it was I wouldn't be able to do anything about it since my dad doesn't make enough to own a car.

I walk through the school to my locker I see my best friend who has been glued to my side since my first day here.

"Hey Tris." I say Tris looks up from her phone and smiles.

"What's up b"  Tris has called me b since the day me and her became friends. She has been the only one who has ever called me b but the nickname always feels so familiar.

As me and Tris walk to our first period everyone has been extra talkative today which is weird. It's mostly quiet in the mornings. Me and Tris sit down for our first period and as everyone sits in their seats and quiets down the teacher begins to speak. 

"Today class we have a new student with us"  she starts off " Cyrus Byren, there he is hiding in the back of the class."

As she says this almost everyone turns to the back including me and Tris and there sitting in the corner is Cyrus. He scans the room but does a double take when he sees me. Why me? Do I have something on my face?

I reach up and feel nothing on my face . Weird, He looks at me for a couple seconds with a confused and surprised look before looking down. Why did he look at me like that? I don't even know the guy.

I turn back around as the teacher begins her lesson for today. I tune her out as usual, not being in the mood to listen after the night I had last night with my little sister. Her nightmares about mom have been worse than usual. Our father can't be there for her when she has these nightmares because he has to work.

He's barely around anymore, not since mom's passing. But even before that he was never really around.

I remember mom would bake with the money she got from the tips she got from her job and everyday we would come home to the house smelling of baked goods. I barely remember her passing but I do remember her baking in the kitchen.

The bell ringing snaps me out of my thinking. I pack up my things and wait for Tris. We only have first period and lunch together so she walks me to my second class before she walks to hers. The next few classes go by in a blur and next thing I know I'm sitting next to Tris at our usual spot we eat lunch at.

"Do you have anything planned after school?" Tris asks, looking down at her phone.

"Yea I promised Bridget I would take her to get ice cream." Me and Tris never really eat lunch. We usually just catch up with each other since the school's food is horrible.

Tris looks up from her phone with a smile  " wanna go to a party tomorrow night?"

"Tris, you know I don't like those types of things." I tell her but I always feel bad when I turn down Tris when she asks to go out but I can't leave my sister alone. 

" I know b but it was worth a try, I gotta get to my next class and tell Bridget I said hey."  Tris says as she walks away.

In my next class I see Cyrus from the first block. During the whole class I feel eyes on me and they belong to Cyrus. I'm starting to think he's a creep for staring so much. When the bell rings I'm quick to get out of class and to my last one.

After the last block ended I hurried to Bridgets school to pick her up. I see her before she sees me " Hurry sunny i'm hungry for ice cream!"  I say a little loud so she can hear me and when hears me she quickly searches for me and when she does she starts to run to me.

"Let's go get ice cream." she says with a big grin and I couldn't help but smile so big it hurts. I love seeing Bridget happy. It makes me happy.

As we get to our usual ice cream shop as always I let Bridget pick first. " Can I please have a sherbet in a cup?" she asks looking up at me. " Of course sunny." As I order, I order myself a vanilla cone and the total is 10 bucks or 2 ice creams. If you ask me that's ridiculous but if it's for Bridget I would do anything no matter if it's ridiculous or not.

I hand the girl working the money in my hand and when she looks back up she says " you're 3 dollars short." I swear I brought enough money from tutoring. I know I had more than 10 bucks. I look at Bridget and the girl. " Just take the vanilla cone off." She nods and gets Bridget's ice cream ready.

As Bridget eats her ice cream she's telling me about her day at school and about her little boy crush. " Oh and I drew you something today in art class." she says as she reaches for her backpack. She pulls out a paper and hands it to me.

It's a drawing of five people. me, Bridget , our dad, our mom and someone I don't recognize. "Who's that sunny?" I ask , pointing to the boy standing next to me. Her response was "our friend." 

I look up to her with a confusing look but she doesn't explain anymore. I don't push on the subject anymore seeing she already dropped it. So I let her finish her ice cream and after we start to walk to our home hand in hand.



I hope you like it so far

Its gonna be a bit slow at first but i promise its gonna get intresting

TIKTOK: Authorwritezzz


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