36 - Blair

206 10 1

Song: After dark by mr. kitty

TW: Violence, Gore.

I open my eyes, waking up, I look around my room, something seeming off.

I look down at my hands and see I don't have chains around my wrist, I whip my head towards the door and see that's it cracked just an inch.

The days are going by in a blur, it's only been three days but it's different, I haven't left my room food is placed by my bed by Lorenzo when i'm to eat, He doesn't sit and force me to eat, no he sets it down leaving without a word.

He placed a bucket in the corner of the room for me to use as a bathroom.

I haven't left this room in three days.

I stare at the door listening for voice, movement, anything. Anything that shows this is a trap.

When I don't hear anything, I slowly stand and slowly creep towards the door.

With every step my body aches from three nights ago, I close my eyes my breathing picking up those men on top of me flashing in my mind.

I try gathering my breathing holding my palm against my chest.

Gathering my breath I make it to the door, I slowly peek out of the room.

Seeing no one, not even Lorenzo, I quietly open the door managing to not make a sound.
Once I open it enough for me to slide through I quickly get out.

Once i'm out of the room I look around when I see no one I quietly walk through the hall searching for a front door.

I try and remember where Anthonys office is so I can stay clear of it but somehow I end up in the hallway before his office.

Seeing the doors that lead his office, the same doors that lead to hell. My breath hitches causing me to freeze.

I stand in place too scared to move.

The terror I felt that night creeping back up to bite me.

My cries flash through my mind.

The feeling of those men on top of me starts suffocating me slowly.

"When do you think you can make it?" I snap out of the trance I was in hearing my fathers voice. "Oh yeah we will have her ready by then." My heart sinks at his words.

We will have her ready.

Hearing his footsteps coming closer I quickly walk the other direction turning a corner into a huge family room.

I look around frantically, seeing an archway leading into another room. I quickly walk through it.

Once I'm in I see a door with a window, When I see outside through the window my heart skips a beat.

My freedom only a few feet away.

I start to walk towards the door still not seeing anyone.

Only a few feet away from freedom I hear his voice.

"Fuck" He yells.

I whip my head back seeing my father's eyes looking straight at me.

I run the rest of the way trying to unlock the door, I manage to unlock it but I'm pulled away by my hair before I can open it.

"No!" I scream my hands gripped on my fathers wrist as he pulls me away from the door.

My freedom.

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