34. Mothers Trade Places

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This chapter is dedicated to Dewayne. Thank you for all the support you have given me!

The adults were on their feet in seconds, rushing in to comfort Lyra and reassure her that everything was going to be okay. She seemed to be more shocked than upset right now, and I thought I could understand that response. I'd been just as surprised to find myself wetting my diaper at breakfast time that time I had experimented with the effects of the diapers; back before I really knew what I was doing. To someone who didn't have a clue what was happening to her, it must have been more than a little scary. But before she had a chance to panic, her dad's wife had fetched the cleaning stuff to make sure the carpet was okay, while both of our mums were fussing over Lyra, encouraging her to try wearing diapers again until they knew if this was going to be an isolated event.

I felt a little bad about letting them lie to her like that; they knew that she wasn't going to recover so quickly. But I could tell myself that it was all for her own good, and that it really wouldn't be so bad. Compared to the disruption and doubt if I told her the truth, this kind of attention was the better option.

"Are you okay with wearing your diapers again now?" her mum asked her. "You said you didn't need them, but..."

"Okay," Lyra answered with a theatrical pout, but I could tell that she wasn't too serious about resisting. It was something she was doing because she felt she was supposed to act like a big girl, but she was smart enough to know that she might need protection now.

"Alice will have to wear them too next time," she said with a wicked grin, turning to look at me. "You're just as sure as I was that you don't need them. But if I have to, you should too."

"Okay," I said, just laughing a little bit. Maybe the thought that she was teasing me was all Lyra needed to be comfortable with this. She was a little bit embarrassed because she was feeling that I was more mature than her, so the sense of having some kind of authority over me might be reassuring for her. Besides which, I had no idea if both of us had been cleaned up with the same wipes after our naptime, and what effect they might have on me. Better safe than sorry, I was sure. It could be that I would have been the one embarrassing myself if I'd needed to pee first; and I couldn't avoid a little curiosity about how that would have made me feel. "I don't want to make a mess, maybe I better,"

Mum lifted me up, and carried me upstairs to the bedroom. Lyra's mum was bringing her close behind. And then Mum laid me down on the bed, and I heard a faint crinkling sound underneath me. It took me a couple of seconds to realise that I was lying on some kind of plastic changing mat, to protect the bedsheets. Probably with a cute pattern on it too, though I couldn't see that from here. But instead of paying attention to me, it seemed that the two Mummies were talking quietly; and then Mum was helping to get Lyra out of her wet clothes and cleaned up while Lyra's mum came to pay attention to me. That made my heart beat a little faster; not knowing how hard she was going to push me. She wouldn't be as nervous as my own mum, I was sure, which gave me a little thrill and made me feel even more helpless.

"Do you need to go potty like a big girl, Alice?" she asked, and the childish language instantly made me blush. I couldn't even bring myself to answer, so I just shook my head where I was lying and tried not to think about it anymore.

"Good girl," she said, and picked up my diaper from the shelf. Just like Lyra's, it was still clean after being worn for a short nap, so they must have decided against throwing them out. Somebody had probably guessed that I would be back in diapers sooner or later. She unfolded the diaper, laid it flat on the bed, and then urged me to lift my bum up so she could slide it under me. Even after all the times Mum had changed me, it was still embarrassing to have somebody else doing it, and I was sure my face must be as red as a stoplight. And then I was lying there with a diaper under me while she searched for the bottle of baby powder.

Only a few seconds passed before I realised that I should have taken up the offer of using the potty. I did need to pee after all, and I'd never felt the need come on so quickly before. It only took me a couple of seconds to realise that this wasn't normal, that I shouldn't go from empty to bursting faster than I could react. And just as quickly, I could understand what was going on. I'd seen something about that weeks ago, when I'd browsed the mothers hub forums online. Wipes could have a numbing effect, keeping a little one from feeling the pressure in their bladder. That was what those orchid wipes did, I guessed. They'd had the same effect on Lyra, but she'd been so full before she realised that she hadn't been able to hold it any longer.

My own need wasn't quite that urgent; I must have been drinking a little less. But I still needed to go now. I started to move, sitting up and trying to swing my legs off the bed so I could run to the bathroom. But Lyra's mum was right back there, grabbing my ankles like I was a little baby fighting a change.

"Don't wriggle!" she said, like it was some kind of catchphrase from something I wasn't old enough to remember. "Be a good baby, and–"

"I gotta–" I managed to get the words out, before I felt the dam start to give. A little spurt of pee escaped, and I still wasn't even diapered. I clamped down again, as Lyra's mum quickly pulled the diaper up between my legs to catch the little leak. I managed to clamp down again, the pressure slightly reduced, but I could feel the warmth and the wetness pressed against my skin, threatening to take away all my grown-up thoughts. I didn't know if a little drop of pee would be enough to activate the chemicals; I'd never read into that stuff because I wanted to be surprised, but I couldn't stop myself thinking about it now.

"Ohh, somebody had a little accident!" she said, as if it was the cutest thing on Earth. "Little Alice can't even hold it while she's getting changed, she's almost like a real baby now."

"I..." I stammered, every instinct pushing me to defend myself. "Can I go potty? Please Mummy, before I..." I realised that I wasn't talking to Mummy here; she was still attending to Lyra. But my embarrassment about wetting myself, even just a tiny leak, had apparently overruled my thoughts. And then I felt my muscles relax, perhaps responding to some drug or other that had acted faster than the rest. I felt the warmth spreading through the diaper that she was still holding against my skin, not even fastened yet, and I struggled to get up and run to the bathroom even as I realised that it was too late to fight it now.

"I can't–" I gasped, desperately trying to stop the flow as my body reported that it didn't want to follow my instructions anymore. I reached out with my arms, as if I could grab hold of my control and pull it back, as I continued to protest; to try to explain what I was doing so that she wouldn't just hold me in place. "I gotta potty I got to... gotta... go go pee pee? Paaa... I gaa baaba bah?"

I opened my mouth, trying to keep on talking, but the words were just out of reach. I needed to say something, to make a sound, and I was pretty sure that different noises meant something, but all I could do now was make a noise until Mummy understood. I couldn't think about those things, but that didn't matter. There were other things that were so much easier to think about, like the way the pictures from my eyes changed when I wiggled my fingers in front of me. I might have been trying to work out which way up my hands were, failing to connect the muscle motion in my head to the movements I could see, but such an in-depth thought was way beyond me. And it was easier just to think about the way the bed made a funny crinkly noise with every movement, or how nice the warmth of my diaper was, or how much Mummy loved to take care of me.

I didn't think that Lyra would have to be the big girl now; those thoughts were already beyond me. I didn't even realise just how much I was acting like a baby, until the effects started to fade almost an hour later.

I didn't know what was going on. There wasn't a single thought in my mind right then, even about how good everything felt. And that was what I had wanted more than anything.

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