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The weekend consisted of a lot of time spent at the beach. Saturday, John was working the morning shift but joined me during the afternoon. When he was off, he came to my room with a picnic basket.

We walked hand in hand down to the beach, under the pier. He laid the blanket down and allowed me to sit down before sitting himself. He was totally different than I expected him to be. Honestly, I was a little nervous about coming to stay at Cherry's house because I didn't want to have a certain perception of him and it be ruined when I come and stay.

We ended up talking about when it was time for me to come and stay at the house and it was insightful. Cherry didn't tell me that she a small guest house so he told me that's where he stayed mostly. He came and went as he pleased but he always ate there because he didn't know how to cook. Apparently Morgan wanted to be a top chef so she did most of the cooking.

When we were finished eating, I laid back against the blanket and closed my eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" John asked.

"How peaceful it is right now," I answered.

"When are you going to be at the house?"

"Umm... I'm paid up until Friday. Why?"

"I know the owner and get you a refund for your remaining nights. We can see if Cherry is ready for you to come over."

"What's the rush?" I asked.

"Completely selfish reasonings," he smiled. "I want to spend more time with you."

"You could come and spend some time with me in my room," I said.

"My little guest house is quieter," he said, scooting over to me.

"Doesn't the others come in when they want?"

"Not really. It's kind of like a known thing that the main house is the go to place," he said, tracing a finger down my neck.

"I'll talk to Cherry tonight," I said, reaching up to touch his face.

He leaned into my hand and then started leaning further down. His face hovered over mine and I could still smell to lemonade on his breath. The lemony scent and the smell of his aftershave was almost intoxicating. He closed the distance between us and claimed my lips once again.

The kiss was getting pretty intense when he trailed kisses down my face, my neck and onto my collarbone. His right hand grazed my exposed thigh and made me gasp. When he heard that, he pulled away.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I said, a little embarrassed.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed," he laughed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, technically. It's just, your hand on my thigh kind of startled me."

"Darcy, how many boyfriends have you really had? Not just guys you've gone out with," he asked.

I took my hat and covered my face with it. In reality, I've never actually had a real boyfriend. I was always a little scared of affection and when I dated Cameron, we never actually kissed. The most we did was hold hands while we were out.

"Darcy," he said my name in a singsong voice. "Have you never actually had a real boyfriend before?" he asked and I shook my head no under my hat. "Well, I'll be."

"I know. How tragic," I said.

He lifted my hat from my face and I knew it was the very darkest shade of red possible.

"I wouldn't say it's tragic. I'm surprised."

"Why?" I asked him.

"Darcy, do you not realize how absolutely gorgeous you are? You have to be one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on. And your kissing..." he said and sighed. "Those are lips that have never been touched. I don't believe it."

"Well, no one ever peaked my interest... until now," I said, quietly.

"I'm happy to have peaked that interest. With this newfound information, I'll slow things down a little. I don't want to overwhelm you."

"Thank you, John," I smiled up at him.

"You're welcome," he smiled back and leaned down to peck my lips. "We're still cool to kiss right?"

"Yes," I said, playfully slapping his shoulder.

After our little picnic came to an end, he walked me back to my room and said that he was going to talk to the owner and see about getting a refund for the remaining days. I was set with the task of calling Cherry to see if I could come over a little earlier than planned. After he left, I immediately dialed my cousin.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Cherry answered.

"So, I was kind of wondering if it's possible for me to come over a little earlier than planned?"

"I don't care at all. Why? What's going on?" she asked.

"Well, umm..."

"John wants you over earlier. Wow! I mean, last nights date most have been amazing," she said.

"It really was. We just had a small picnic on the beach. He's... I don't know the word. He makes me feel special," I smiled.

"John really is a good guy. He's a bit full of himself sometimes but honestly, I've never seen him take to someone as fast as he did you."

"He said he knew the owner of the hotel and was going to ask for a refund for the remaining nights."

"So, will we be expecting you tonight?" Cherry asked.

"Probably not. Maybe tomorrow. I guess it depends on how soon John talks to the owner."

"Are you comfortable with coming on over this soon?" she asked.

"I mean, you are my cousin," I said.

"Darce, you're not coming over for me. Not this soon."

"It's not like I'll be staying in the guest house with him. I'm not that ready."

"Does John know that?"

"He agreed to slow things down. He said he didn't want to overwhelm me."

"And you're not feeling overwhelmed by coming to my house early?"

"No, not at all. It'll give me more time with you and get to know everyone else."

"Okay," she agreed. "As long as your okay with it."

"Awesome. I'll talk to you later."

"See ya," she said and we ended the call.

I couldn't help but think that maybe it was a bad idea. The fact remained, no matter what, I would be going over there in a few short days anyway. What was an extra couple of days going to do.

A Summer RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now