❥The Orange Parka - 1

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Side note from writer: This is going to be my first actually written story I've ever made! If any readers have read "Emma x Jay," I'm so sorry. I also want to point out that my grammar isn't the best. Anyways, please enjoy reading this adventurous story!!


c: Cartman
s: Stan
k: Kenny
ky: Kyle

[2:43 pm: The boys arrive at their bus stop]

"C'mon guys! We have to ask my mom!" Cartman exclaimed while stepping down the stairs of the bus. One by one, the boys stepped off the bus. Cartman began running down the concrete path. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny started chasing him. "Stop running fat ass! We don't need you to roll down the hill." Stan nagged. Kenny started to laugh, but his parka muffled his laughter.

All four of them arrived at Cartman's house. They rushed to the door following one after the other. Cartman opens the door, welcoming his friends inside. The boys rushed over to see Mrs. Cartman in the kitchen. Cartman interrupted his mother just to ask, "Hey maaam, can you take my friends and I to the maall." He spoke in a baby type of way. Mrs. Cartman stopped what she was doing and replied, "Oh, of course poochie-kins. I just need your friends to ask their parents for permission." Stan, Kyle, and Kenny got the hint to take their phones out to ask their parents. Stan was the first one to get permission, Kyle was the second, and Kenny was the third. "Now you boys go hop in the car. I will go grab my wallet and keys." Mrs. Cartman states. She walks upstairs into her bedroom to grab her belongings while Cartman leads his friends outside. "C'mon guys!" Stan and Kenny follow Cartman out the door, heading to the car. "Hold on now! Don't we need money too?" Kyle said with a bit of tension in his voice. Cartman stops in place and turns around. "No joo. Let's hurry up in get in the car." Kyle sighs and heads out the door. Kenny, Stan, and Kyle sit in the back seats while Cartman sits up front since he called "shotgun."

"What should we buy?" Cartman wondered. Stan replies, "A workout machine for you, fatty." Cartman stares intensely at Stan. "I'm not fat. I'm just big boned." Kenny began to laugh and same with Kyle. "Shut up joo! Same to you, Kenny!" Kenny wipes his tears from his eye. He laughed so hard that he began to cry.
"mhmmh mh hmm ehmm! (I think we should go to Build-A-Bear!)" Cartman started to smirk. "Good ideaa, Kenny. We should definitely go to Build-A-Bear and GET MADE FUN OF FOR BEING THERE." He swings his arms around in anger. "I think it's a pretty good idea to go!" Stan says.

Mrs. Cartman finally arrived after finding her keys and wallet. She started the car and began backing out the driveway. Cartman turned on the GPS with the directions set to the mall.

 Cartman turned on the GPS with the directions set to the mall

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Kenny rested his head against the window. He watched the landscape rush by. Kyle and Stan were playing Rock, Paper, Scissors while Cartman was adjusting the radio. Many minutes have past. It took at least 30 minutes to get to the mall. Once they got there, they went straight to Bath & Body Works.

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