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Hey guys! I just want to say thank you for staying with me during the making of this story!

Sadly I have some good and bad news.

Bad News:
I won't be working on this often because I lost a lot of interest for South Park and I have no clue on where this story will be heading.

Good News:
I am taking requests for the story! Requests will help build a strong connection with the story and the readers! I want to go forward with my readers and create a story with them!

If I discontinue this story, I will give full permission to let any of you add on to this story or make something out of it! BUT in return, I will need credit.

I look forward working with anyone who requests ideas.

I'm working on a Quackity x Reader story! Please look at it if you are interested in IRL Quackity! I use She/Her pronouns in the story and I tried sorting the story out as best as possible!

Working on other stories is another reason on why I'm not working on Ever Lasting.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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Ever Lasting: Kenny AngstWhere stories live. Discover now