❈Would it kill you to show a little soft side?❈

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Recommend music: Walking Away - She Wants Revenge
I'm so tired while writing this lol anyways, this chapter is kind of fluff? I don't know what to categorize it as.
Vincent drove down the stretches of road only looking occasionally over at his phone for navigation, but it seemed that he knew where he was going.

"So, do you wanna turn on the radio, you know, so it's not so deafeningly silent?"
Arlo said, attempting to lighten the mood. Only to be met with a look of pure I-don't-give-a-fuckness from the man next to him.

"Turn it on yourself."
Vincent said, looking back on the road, making sure they didn't miss the crucial turn right down the road.

"Okay then."
Arlo said, lightly touching the stereo as if it were made of glass that could shatter any second. He switched between stations till he found one he liked.

'I feel her slipping away, I've done the best that I can, there's noting more left to say, well, it's over.' The voice rang out from the small built-in speaker.

Vincent let out a low noise, it was supposed to be just a questioning noise, but it was so low and sensual, it caused the other man to look out the window, facing the other way attempting to hide his flustered expression.

'Why am I the last to know my fate? I take a deep breath and call her, I can no longer wait.'

"But it goes straight to message and I'm deep in the zone, cause it's 12:45 and you said you were home."
Vincent was softly singing along with the song on the station.

"You know She Wants Revenge?"
Arlo said, expecting the man to have no clue what the song was, or to not like it and change the station.

"Yes I know She Wants Revenge."
Vincent said, it was obvious he was trying to avoid small talk at all costs.

'Don't go turning your back on me, don't go walking away! Maybe you and I weren't meant to be, but don't go walking away!'
Vincent was only humming along this time, clearly still trying to avoid small talk at all costs.

"I'll make it easy for you, and say the things that you can't, I know we're growing apart and it's alright."
This time Arlo was gently singing along with the song, trying to show Vincent that they didn't have to talk they could just sit there and chill, although he was still unsure that Vincent understood.

"I try to be the bigger man and let go, but suddenly I start to wonder if there's more to the story. It doesn't matter either way in the end, because you'll fall in love again and there were others before me"
Apparently he did get the message and now they were both singing along with the song, it felt so natural and calm, they were both just singing, their words coming together, it was calm.

"Still it's so hard to say good bye, but it's even worse to live a lie. Don't go turning your back on me, don't go walking away! May...."
The words faded out of his mind, he could sing it full well, he knew and loved this song, it was one of his favorites, but he couldn't help focusing on the was Vincent put so much emphasis on the word... lie...

'Maybe you and I were not meant to be! But don't go walking away! Don't go walking away! Don't go walking away!'
The words of the chorus played till the song came to a stop.

'So that was the song 'Walking Away' by She Wants Revenge! Thank Bruce from New York for that Suggestion, coming up next we have the band She Past Away playing the song ru-'
The radio cut out, it was Vincent, he turned it off, back in silence, again.

God when will this car ride end.

I have listened to walking away maybe 20 times while writing this chapter and now the words don't even feel real. Also in the midst of this I realized that I forgot to eat dinner so wish me luck brothers lol I'm so hungry and it is like 1:25 when I'm writing this.

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