A Closed Door

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Disclaimer: This work is a non-profit fan creation and is not associated with the original copyright holder. Hogwarts Legacy and its characters, settings, and events are the property of Hogwarts Legacy. This work is intended solely for the personal enjoyment of the author and other fans of Hogwarts Legacy. No copyright infringement is intended, and no profit is being made from this work.

The journey to London would have been significantly longer than I would have liked if it was not for the floo powder network, and of course she always has to say something as I walk through the flame. The atmosphere seemed to reflect the ever-growing dread as I made my approach on Ominis' home, my heart began to race with nervousness and anticipation. I gazed up at the grand facade, seeing the weight of the immensely large doors with elaborately carved filigree. The ornate architecture seemed to mock me, reminding me of my unfortunate accident in not reading Sebastian's letter sooner. I walked up, each step forcing my stomach further down than the last. I lifted the heavy, silver snake knocker and released it as its hollow echoes vibrated beyond the door.

"Good day, sir, and welcome to the Gaunt residence," spoke a dainty elf. She opened the door with a deep curtsy, her delicate frame bending almost in half greeting me with a warm smile. "May I offer you a spot of tea or perhaps a small bite to eat?"

"Thank you for the kind offer, but no thank you. I am actually here on business to speak with Ominis Gaunt." I said, returning a gentle smile.

"I will return with master Gaunt." she said.

Moments later Ominis appeared from the door, pointing his wand at me to see who had come to speak with him. He didn't look particularly happy but then again he never really did.

"You better have one really good reason for coming here. So, pray tell, what is it?" Ominis' voice was like acid being hurled with fire down my ears.

"I do, I promise. Please let me in?"

"No," he said flatly.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat, "I realize Sebastian may not wish to converse with me henceforth after what seemed like me-"

"Seemed! You completely disregarded a simple request and then had the audacity to not write an owl."


"You realize that a simple reply could have avoided a world of heartbreak for Sebastian?" he interrupted.

"Please let me-"

"To top it all off, you have left him with an identity crisis I cannot help him-" Ominis stopped talking when I pointed my wand in his face. His face scrunched into what assumed was his interpretation of a shocked expression.

"I am here to tell Sebastian that I had opened his letter a day late," at this point I withdrew my wand from Ominis, his face had relaxed into something I had recognized as understanding then I continued, "now if you would allow me a moment to explain that would be appreciated."

Ominis remained silent waiting in expectation.

"I could not get over leaving Hogwarts, so I left much of my belongings unpacked out of fear of moving on. I was forced to attend a soiree with a rather kind lady, who gave me an epiphany: that my fears were based on having no life outside of Hogwarts, but the truth was that cherishing the memories and moving forward was the best way to honor my life. When I opened the letter a couple days ago, I realized I had missed Sebastian's request by a day. I did not get the chance to meet with Sebastian and for that I am truly sorry if I have hurt his feelings."

Ominis finally stepped aside and allowed me to pass, closing the door behind us. As I stepped into the foyer of Ominis' new home, I couldn't help but notice the intricate, polished marble flooring, which reflected everything. The walls were adorned with elegant paintings that depicted scenes of nature, and the room was illuminated by an ornate chandelier that cast a warm glow off of every gilded surface. A grandfather clock ticked softly in the corner, each tick riding on waves of silence.

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