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Soobin P.O.V

“What’s wrong?” He asks.

My mind is racing, trying to come up with a plan to get out of this.

I look at the coffee table, and see the remnants of our hangout. Two empty, but clearly used, glasses are sitting on it. I’ll need to hide one of them. And, obviously, think about something to do with the hot tall guy currently sitting beside me.

“Someone’s here,” I say as I turn off the TV. I stand up and grab one of the cups. “Follow me.”


“We have our deal,” I say. “Unless you want to find out who I am, you need to come with me. Please.”

“Oh, god, okay.”

He stands up. He’s not moving fast enough, so I take hold of his wrist and run him through the house to my room. I look around.

Under the bed won’t work, it’s too obvious. I have a window, but it has a bolted-in, bulletproof metal fly screen. Nobody is coming in or out of it.

I realize I’m still hanging on to his wrist.

I let go. As I do, I glance at my closet. It’s perfect.

Yeonjun crosses his arms and tilts his head up. “Really?”

“I’m so sorry. It won’t be for long. I’ll think of something, just, hide.”

I open the sliding door, and then push aside some of my clothes. Because he is so tall, it’s going to be cramped, but it’ll have to do.

He frowns.

But then he steps inside, bowing his head to do so. “I hope you appreciate the irony of this. I come out to you, and then you shove me right back in a closet.”

He grins.

I wish I could find this amusing, but I’m way too freaked to find anything funny right now.

“I’m really sorry,” I whisper. “I thought they wouldn’t come home, I swear.”

“It’s cool, it happens.”

I wonder what that means as I slide the door shut. I take a step back and look. He’s perfectly hidden.

Okay, phew.

I run back down the hall and dump the cup in the sink, just in time for the door to open. There are still two controllers sitting on the couch.

Maybe they won’t notice, but it definitely still looks like two people have been playing.

Taehyun steps inside.

“What’s wrong with you?” he says, coming straight up to me. “Why don’t you answer your stupid phone?”


I guess I haven’t checked it in a while, I was too busy with Yeonjun.

I pull my phone out and check. The screen is full of notifications. Ten missed calls from him, along with a bunch of messages.

I had it on silent, like I always do. I guess I was so distracted by him I never thought to check it.


Then I notice Taehyun eyes are red.

He closes the distance and hugs me tight. I can’t even recall the last time he did this. Is this because of Yeonjun? Surely this isn’t how he’d be reacting if he knew about what I was doing.

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