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Soobin P.O.V

I’m freaking out.

It’s the night of the dance that Yeonjun invited me to.

And I think I’m going to go. Even knowing what I do now.

He’s part of the Friend Scheme. A Choi. I know it in my gut. That means someone in his family shot my dad. He might’ve even done it, for all I know.

He lied.

My first true friend, and it was all a lie.

All he wanted was for us to become friends, to learn about my family, through me. It fits too perfectly to not be the case.

It explains why he wouldn’t give up his last name, why he asked me about my family, and why he even talked to me in the first place.

I know what I should do. I should tell Dad everything, starting with meeting Yeonjun in the bathroom of the bar.

The diner. Swimming. Hanging out at my place.

I need to tell him about all of it.

I haven’t done anything wrong yet. Sure, I snuck him into our house, but I was with him the entire time. He couldn’t have done anything. Right now, I haven’t messed up at all.

I fell for the scheme, sure, but they can’t get too mad at me for that. What I do now is what really matters.

I have to tell Dad. But I know what’ll happen if I do. It’ll lead Vince or someone else to Yeonjun.

They’ll kill him.

I also haven’t been able to stop thinking about Kai. I’ve been adjacent to death for so long, but that was the first time I saw it up close.

I mean, I looked away, and didn’t look at him again. As a crowd we quickly moved away, because death is necessary but ugly.

Vince and someone else, along with Taehyun, dealt with the body (burned, to leave no evidence). I waited in Taehyun car.

Someone I sort of know was murdered.

And I’m supposed to not care about it.

I do, though. So much. I haven’t been able to sleep properly, and the sleep I do get is plagued with nightmares. I’ve pretty much given up on eating; it makes me feel too queasy.

I think I’ve lost a few pounds, as I can now see my ribs jutting out even when I’m in a T-shirt.

I think that’s part of the reason I’m not mad at Yeonjun. He might’ve tried to trick me, but a man died.

It puts things into perspective.

I mean, I am angry at him, but that’s not my main emotion. Mostly, I’m confused. Because our connection feels so real to me. Even knowing about this scheme, it still feels real.

Maybe he’s just a really good actor.

So I want to talk to him. Because I need to be sure about this. Like, maybe this is all in my head. Maybe he isn’t a Choi, and it’s just a coincidence it lines up so well.

Because if he’s been trying to betray me this whole time, he’s a freaking incredible actor.

I’m going to hear him out. But there can’t be any more secrets between us.

He needs to tell me who he is.

I have a plan. I’m going to talk to him tonight at the dance and find out who he is. If he’s a Choi, I’m going to drop him from my life. I’ll ghost him if I need to.

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