~Chapter Eight: Cross My Heart, I Lost My Soul~

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(Chapter named after a lyric from Cross My Heart by Fabvl)

Katsuki chatted with Y/n, trying to get her to remember things they did together, but failing as every time, she'd reply with a "I'm sorry, I just don't remember that." They soon made it to the cliff, where they sat and gazed at the stars. Bakugo, however, was gazing at his carrying soulmate, now worried about what she'd do about the twins once the time had arrived.

"Bakugo...? Why are you staring at me?" She asked. He put his arm on his knee, letting his opposite leg hang over the cliff.

"I just... I'm happy you're back... I wish I could've done something to prevent what they did to you..." He muttered.

"That's sweet, but we both know you wouldn't be able to do much."

"The hell you saying? I'd blast them all the way to hell!"

"With the knowledge you knew, you wouldn't find me anyway, I mean." She quickly clarified.

"Dammit... Whatever, we're not gonna talk about it anymore." Bakugo scoffed.


"That was one of those bad chapters of your life that you learn from. Let's just get over it and get back to normal, alright? It's already eaten you up and it's making it stupid hard to get you back to your normal self. You haven't asked to fight anyone yet, you're just cooped up in our bedroom in some kind of daze."

"Well, I'm still tryna get over it, Bakugo. It isn't that easy and we both know it." She growled softly, making the blond's heart sink.

"What'd you call me...?"

"Bakugo? Your name? What's wrong with that?" She questioned, seeming a bit worried, but confused.

"You haven't called me that in ages..." He muttered, making Y/n widen her eyes in fear. "It's always Katsuki.. KitKat... hell, even Blasty and Sparky, occasionally..."

"Babe, hold on, let's not jump to conclusions here—"

"Why did you call me Bakugo?" He demanded.

"I just... I... I've been through a lot, man, why are you getting suspicious about a name?" She barked, making Bakugo growl softly.

"And since when do you use your past against me... We almost never fight, you always deescalate the situation no matter what... The hell is wrong with you?"

"Can we just go back to focusing on the now rather than what happened? Isn't that what you want?" Y/n gestured to the horizon. Bakugo widened his eyes, slightly, in fury.

"You aren't acting like yourself... what the hell did they do to you... F^cking TELL ME WHAT THEY DID." He shouted, making Y/n flinch.

"You never listen to me, do you?" She retaliated.

"You're not my Y/n, are you... Hah... I don't believe it..." He smiled a bit, chuckling in disbelief. "Which one was it..."

"The hell you mean?" Y/n asked, getting angry, herself.



"THEY WOULDN'T JUST KIDNAP YOU, COVER YOU IN DIRT AND WOUNDS JUST TO BRING YOU BACK HERE AND TELL SOME FAKE AZZ LIE. Whether you like it or not, I'm gonna find out what really happened... Then we'll see if you're the real Y/n..." Bakugo promised before shifting and heading back to the castle. Meanwhile, the real Y/n was celebrating with her demon friend, but was cut short as multiple demons launched at them once again, getting a few kicks and punches before having to chase after them.

"Dammit... It's onto us..." 'Y/n' muttered.

"Let HER take control for a bit, but the moment she starts ratting, shut her up." A voice rasped in her mind, receiving a nod in response before she shifted and ran after the smokey form.


"Bakugo, what're you saying? Do you even know what you're accusing her of?" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Of course I know what I'm saying! That is not my Y/n! She hasn't called me Bakugo since the war! And even then, it was always variations of my first name! If she ever called me that, it was because she was pissed off about something, and rarely is it ever me! I don't know what the f^ck those League of A—holes did to her, but I swear to All Might himself I will find out and get her back." Bakugo growled. Words could not describe how angry he was. The Y/n he'd been trying to connect with since she returned wasn't even his Y/n. Whoever it was definitely wasn't the future queen and mother to his unborn twins he'd grown to love.

"How are you gonna figure it out?" Kirishima prompted.

"They obviously either erased her memory or cast some kind of magic on her that caused her to take on some new personality. It's like she forgot everything that happened before she was kidnapped to begin with! She's acting like I'm nothing and I know if she was truly traumatized, she would not hide it from me. That's not who she is. She speaks her mind and rarely keeps secrets and even then, she eventually cracks. She's strong. This is nothing compared to the life she had to live... I'll find a way to get her to talk. We can't do much of anything else... Unless.." Bakugo turned away, thinking.

"Unless what, man?" Kirishima put a hand on his shoulder.

"Get Hypno here. Now." Bakugo commanded. Kirishima understood instantly and ran off.

"KATSUKI!" Y/n called, running up to him.

"Get the hell away from me!" Bakugo growled. "I don't want to speak to you." He turned away.

"Kats, please, it's me!" She begged. "I swear!"

"You're just saying that..." He scoffed.

"..... X/n.." He looked at her.

"What's he got to do with this...? Why is he the only thing you remember when I've been there since day f^cking one...?" He growled.

"You helped me free my wolf side! You let me get the revenge I needed to get over everything that happened! I... I needed you then... and I need you now..."

"Tch... help with what? Launching some random war on innocents?" He accused.

"No! I'm trapped!" She shouted. He blinked.

"Trapped? The hell you mean?"

"TheLeague... SomehowtrappedmeinsidemymindandIcan'tescapeandthesedemonsaretryingtokillme—!!!" She spoke rapidly, begging he understood her before her eyes rolled back and she hung her head. Bakugo watched, horror in his eyes as he attempted to take in the information she'd just given him rapid fire. "I mean! They brainwashed me and I can't remember much of anything that happened, I swear I tried to remember, but I just can't—!"

"What demons are trying to kill you..?"

"The things in my head... they... they're like demons. I was trying to use a figure of speech, I'm just... I don't understand what happened and I'm trying to grasp it, but I can't focus if I'm in my head... I'm sorry, Kat... I... I just get so wrapped up... I-I don't know what I'm saying anymore..." Bakugo sighed, his suspicions now higher, but he had to seem like he believed her. He hugged her tight.

"We can do that another time... I just want my Y/n back..." He whispered. I swear I'll find out what they really did to you... I'll save you from those demons... like you did with me... He silently promised. He heard footsteps and turned to see the village hypnotist. Hitoshi Shinso.

"King Bakugo? You asked for me?"

Day Three: Suffocate

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