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༻ ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍: ༺

I stared at the small bursts of light streaming into my room around the closed blind that didn't quite fit the window. It was nearly morning. My head pounded from lack of sleep and my eyes burned, but I didn't dare close them. Instead, I turned my attention away from the window and back to my bedroom door that was now visible through to dusky light of the room.

On the other side of that door, I heard footsteps and sucked in a breath, a cold sweat breaking out all over my body. I buried myself further beneath the bed covers and allowed my eyes to flutter closed. I went dead still, listening to the noises outside my bedroom without daring to breathe. Moments passed and I peeked an eye open at the same time as I released a breath, my lungs heaving in gulps of air before I went still once again.

A clatter sounded.

I bit my lip to keep from yelping, the sound making me flinch as I slid further back in my bed until my back pressed against the cold wall. The covers were right up around my face, as though that could protect me.

I squirmed when footsteps sounded again, feeling as though I was going to wet myself when they slowed outside my door.

And then they retreated again. Seconds later, the front door slammed shut.

My limbs went to mush as I finally relaxed my tensed muscles. I threw the covers off, suddenly feeling claustrophobic buried underneath them, coated in a layer of sweat. I needed air. I moved to the window, squinting as I raised the blind and dazzling sunlight blazed into the room. With my eyes squeezed shut, I fumbled around until my hand closed around the latch and I pushed it open, gulping down the fresh air that now flowed into the room.

A gust of wind blew and I shuffled back down so I was lay in my bed once again, the sheets draped over my legs while my upper body was exposed to the cool breeze. My whole body relaxed and I finally allowed myself to close my eyes.

And then, my alarm went off.

I scowled, recalling that today was Monday and I was starting my job as a tutor. The school had asked everyone with a GPA average of above 3.0 and requested that they apply. I hadn't expected to get the job when there were others in the school that were much smarter and much better at interacting with others than I was. But when the school called, I was delighted nonetheless.

Until the told me the name of the student I would be tutoring.

Matteo Sternato.

They quickly followed this with the amount his parents were offering and my jaw had hit the floor. Fifty dollars an hour for the next few months would go a long way towards paying for college and I was desperate. But working with Matteo would put me on his radar and taking his family's money would mean taking tainted money. But it was money nonetheless.

I'd gone back and forth on the idea, especially after the school board told me that they had called four people before me and all of them had rejected the job after hearing who the student was. His reputation wasn't exactly squeaky clean. He was arrogant, popular and had a temper that had the younger years in school running in the opposite direction from him. I'd never crossed paths with him myself, but I wasn't sure I wanted to.

I slept on the offer, or rather, tried to, but my indecision kept me awake all night. I could do a lot with that kind of money. I needed it. And eventually, the payment I would receive triumphed over the fear I had regarding Matteo himself.

How bad could he really be?

But now the time had come, I was nervous. I wish I'd have asked more questions. What did his parents expect from me? Was the payment conditional on his grades improving? I would do my best regardless, but there is only so much I could do to help someone who isn't interested in my help to begin with. But if the money was conditional, I couldn't afford to fail. As I rolled out of bed and rubbed my sleepy eyes, I prayed that I could get through this and that Matteo wouldn't lose me this money.

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