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༻ Rose's POV༺

My book ended on a cliffhanger.

Now for most, this wouldn't be a big deal, but for me, it may as well be the end of the world. I'd spent all day distracted because of it. When Matteo picked me up this morning, he did most of the talking and to be perfectly honest, I hadn't listened to much of what he'd said. I was too busy wondering if one of my favourite characters was going to survive the injury they had sustained.

When we got to the library, he'd asked me if I was okay and so I'd told him I hadn't slept – not a lie since I was up all-night reading. Throughout our session, I had to ask him to repeat himself multiple times as I hadn't been listening to his questions and in all of my classes, I'd been so spaced, I hadn't picked up a single thing.

The day seemed to drag until finally, the bell rang to indicate that it was lunchtime. I practically leapt out of my seat and dashed towards the library, feeling the weight of the next book in the series in my bag. It had been all I could think about all day so I sighed in blessed relief when I found the library was quiet and settled at a table in the back corner to read.

As soon as I opened the first page, I was sucked back into the world that had been playing in my mind for days now. Everything else fell away and all that mattered was if my favourite character was going to be okay.

I fidgeted in my seat, my eyes flicking over the words on the page as I read about how there was nothing that could be done. I tensed as I turned the page, hoping there would be a last-minute fix, but tears filled my eyes when instead, all the characters started to say their goodbyes.


I yelped at the interruption and glanced up, finding the last person I expected to see. Matteo stood over me, his huge stature looming above me and blocking out most of the light in the room. He dropped into the seat across from me while I gawped at him in confusion. "What's wrong?" he suddenly asked, reaching a hand across the table towards mine.

I blinked, only to realise my eyes were full of tears. One trickled down my cheek and I quickly swiped it away, my cheeks turning a deep shade of red as he stared at me with worry etched into his features. "Nothing," I told him quickly, dabbing at my eyes with the sleeve of my jumper. "What are you doing here?"

"Rose," he said softly, "you're crying, tell me why."

I shook my head. "It's silly. Don't worry, I'm okay."

"It is not silly," he stated, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Please tell me what happened."

I swallowed, my gaze falling back to the book in my hands so I didn't have to look at him as I confessed, "my favourite character in my book died." I whispered the words, hoping he somehow wouldn't be able to hear them, but when I glanced up, the surprise on his face confirmed he did.

"Oh," he said, retracting the hand that rested on the table near my own.

"I told you, it's silly," I whispered, my cheeks burning in humiliation.

He shook his head. "It's not silly," he said although his lips twitched.

I stared at him for a moment until his composure finally broke and he let out a laugh. He lifted his hand to cover his grin but I heard the unmistakable amusement bubble out of him. "You're laughing at me," I grumbled, burying my face in my hands and squeezing my eyes closed.

He coughed. "No, I'm sorry. It just wasn't what I was expecting you to say." He cleared his throat again and then I felt his hands curl around my wrists, gently tugging them away from my face. I peeked an eye open at him, seeing all traces of amusement had faded. "Are you alright?"

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