Authors Note

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Hi everyone!

Firstly, I want to apologise for the lack of updates these past couple of weeks. I've been going through a lot in my personal life and have been dealing with some family issues that have taken precedence over everything else. This means I haven't had the time, nor the right mindset, to write.

The last few chapters I had uploaded were pre written from a few months back when I managed to write a large bulk of this story, including the ending. However, now I've returned to upload the story, I'm finding I'm not happy with what I've written as the ending and I don't feel that it does the story justice or that you, as the readers, would be happy with it.

This means there will be a delay in uploads while I try and figure out exactly where the issues lie and how I want this story to end. Please, please bear with me as I do this.

I also wanted to thank you all for your kindness and patience. Over the last few days, I've had some really negative feedback on the first book in this series. I'm under no illusion that it is a great piece of literature by any means. I'm not an author, I have no qualifications and I don't have years of experience and practice. I simply write for my own enjoyment, because I find it comforting and a great outlet for all my thoughts and emotions, and I publish what I write in case anyone wants to read it. But receiving messages of hate and disgust and personal attacks hasn't been easy for me.

It has, however, made me realise how lucky I am to have all the lovely comments that you leave and all the friendly, supportive feedback from people, so thank you so much for that. I promise you I'm not going anywhere and this book will be completed, I just need some time to work on it and feel happy with what I produce before I release it.

Thanks again to everyone who reads, votes and leaves positive feedback or even constructive criticism. I always appreciate the honesty and love the helpful comments on how I can improve, so long as it's put in a nice way. I have a lot of love for you all and am hoping that the rest of this book will be worth the wait!


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