A meeting (2)

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Wow a part two?!

I've just posted this and I've already changed the name and book cover

The name use to be "our dance"
Now it's "spoiled prince"
What's next?

-Tubbos POV-

The other kingdoms are going to arrive soon, I'm quite nervous to be honest, Ibe never met the other kingdoms, I hope they're nice...

I looked around the room we were stood in, maids were running around making sure the area looked perfect, may dad reassured them it was fine but they kept panicking, classic, they overwork themselves too much honestly, they really need a break-

I was suddenly snapped out my thoughts as my older brother dream nudged me with his shoulder

"They're here!" He whispered, I felt my anxiety rise as the guards opened the door and carriages began driving up to the front

First to come out was the nether kingdom
King: Nelson hungle (40)
Queen: ameria hungle (39)
Daughter: Gracie hungle (18)
Daughter: lacie hungle (18)
Son: Derick hungle (16)

The next was the shulks
King: ??? (Left her) (??)
Queen: Shelby box (37)
Daughter: Ellie box (18)
Daughter: Amelia box (18)
Daughter: Sallie box (15)
Son: Alfie box (10)

The elytrians/avians appeared next
King: philza Minecraft (45)
Queen: Kristan Minecraft (43)
Son: Wilbur soot  Minecraft (23)
Son: techno blade Minecraft (21)
Son: Tommy innit Minecraft (17)

Then finally the enderians
King: Zakkier beloved (47)
Queen: hera beloved (44)
Daughter: Silva beloved (21)
Daughter: Alyssa beloved (20)
Daughter: Maddison beloved (20)
Son: Eric beloved (19)
Son: ranboo beloved (18)

(That took so long 😭😭)

They all entered and left to the main room, Or dinning room I should say, we follower behind, taking a better look at the kingdoms rulers and their next in line


Everyone one was now sat down, me and ku siblings were stood with our dad up front, dirsta (I forgot how to spell her name 😭) was secretly comforting Lani who look visible uncomfortable, I was trying to keep it together and so was dream

"Hello everyone" my dad spoke
"Today we are here to discuss marriage and allies"
"Yes we know" Zakkier snapped
"Sassy one I see" my dad chuckled, he was losing his patients already
"Anyway, all children (-18) please leave to this room over here" my dad pointed to a large door
"Along with the 3, 4 or 5th child, kids, you get it"

The ones who were told to leave left, now it was just the 1st and 2nd in line


And so the boring meeting began


"WHAT!" Dream and Silva yelled
"I'm not marrying him!" Silva screamed pointing at dream
"Yeah I'm not marrying an entitled woman! I don't even like girls!" Dream argued
"Dream..." Dad said softly
"No." Dream crossed his arms
"Silva?" Zakkier Said
"No." She copied dream
"Ughh" Zakkier whined
"Silva get ranboo! He's more tolerable and there's more people his age!"
Silva scoffed


"Yes dad?" Ranboo said as he walked in, I just kinda stared, to be honest he was beautiful - wait- no no no- I refuse to like a beloved! They're so entitled
"Your sister Silva is being picky and annoying" Zakkier started
"So you will replace your siblings as you are less picky then all of them, so choose"
"Umm- no" ranboo laughed
"I'm not marrying any woman"
"Fine you'll marry a man then, tubbo" Zakkier pointed at me, my jaw dropped
"NO WAY!" i yelled


Me and ranboo were now sat in a private room away from everyone to get along

"I hate this" ranboo said bluntly
"For once we agree on something"
"Ys know your kinda cute for an overworlder"
"Wha-" my face flushed
"Hah! That always works!" He began laughing

*'oh great, he's the type to play with your emotions, just great'*

I grumbled and walked to the other side of the room, sitting down and facing away from him, I refuse to look at that thing over there

Rushed? idk just wanted the part two out lol

Word count: 688

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