Kind of

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Your bitch is alive

Even tho I'm suffering the worst migraine and I'm sick but I shall update because I have no life

-Tubbos POV-

I awoke once again in ranboos arms, ya know he's quite warm!

I wiggled my way out of his grasp and got changed in the bathroom to avoid any embarassing things from happening. I picked out my favourite outfit which was a t-shirt and some sweatpants, of course I made it look nice because apparently I have to appear fancy

How stupid

Also ranboo leaves tomorrow, in kind of excited but also not, it's nice being able to talk to someone who's not my siblings
"Tubbo..?" I heard a sleepy vocie say
"Morning bossman"
"How are you so awake..?"
I giggled
"I'm use to getting up early unlike your lazy ass"
I snickered and left them room heading towards the dinning room where my sister's were already sat

"Hey tubzo! Come play cards!" Dirsta said as I walked into the room
"So you can beat me and rub it in my face? Nahhhh"
She grumbled before going back to playing with Lani

"Hey small one!"
"Aww come on brighten up!" He laughed, I stared at him with no expression and that only causes him to laugh more
"Oh shut it dream! Atleast i have a partner"
"Yeah like you want to marry them"
"Well maybe I do!"
"Really?" Dream raised one of his eyebrows
"Yeah." I felt my face heat up but o wasn't taking back what I said

I do kind of want to marry him... I mean he's bratty and spoiled but he's also funny and hot...

It's not like I fully like him!
I just kind of do!

Kind of

Literally dying rn lmao goodbye-

Word count: 300

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