14. The Fall

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Cooper stood in the Roadhouse's parking lot. The one-armed man was gone, he was too late to catch him. He placed his hands on his hips and looked back and forth across the lot. "Damn!" He shouted as he kicked at the gravel beneath his feet. Sandra walked up behind him, her jacket in the crook of her arm.

Mulder came into view from around the building. "He runs fast for a guy with one arm. Can't find any sign of him." He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "He said you were in danger?"

"Grave danger, specifically." Sandra wrapped her coat around her shoulders.

"And this...Devilish One," Coop began. "Do you think he means whoever took James Hurley or Josie Packard?" Sandra paused for a moment.

"I think it has something to do with that Bob. What do you know about this one-armed man? Ever heard of him before?"

"No, never." Dale Cooper ambled toward the car. He put a hand on the driver side door, but Sandra placed a hand over his.

"I think it's best if I drive, Coop." Dale bowed his head in defeat and opened the backdoor instead.

The three agents entered the lobby of the Great Northern, Mulder and Coop stumbling behind Sandra. The only people present were the young clerk behind the desk and an older man meandered about the lobby. Sandra recognized the clerk as the young man that brought her to the room earlier. Something about the other man that lulled about the lobby gave her an uneasy feeling. He spied Mulder, then kept his nose to the ground, placing his hands behind his back before turning away. Sandra turned toward Mulder who had a knowing and sobering look on his face.

Sandra rang the button for the elevator. They waited, and she kept her eye on the older man, watching as he disappeared around a corner. They entered the elevator. As the doors closed, Mulder placed a hand on the wall behind Sandra to steady himself. He looked at her, eyes wandering. A smirk played on his lips. Sandra blushed remembering the kiss in the study. Thankfully, the doors opened and she made her way to her room. She looked to her right to see Coop and Mulder at their respective doors. "Oh, boys," She called to them as she opened her door. They turned. "Drink some water, please." She winked and entered her room.


Sandra couldn't sleep as the feeling in the pit of her stomach grew. She finally decided to listen to her gut, and put a sweater on over her matching pajama set. She threw on her slippers and exited, slowly clicking the door closed behind her, and wincing as it made a louder sound than she expected. Pulling the sweater close to her torso, she went toward Mulder's room. The look on his face earlier hadn't sat well. She listened at the door and heard nothing. Knocking on the door received no answer.

Quietly, she made her way to the long staircase of the Great Northern. When she reached the lobby, it was empty except for the young clerk. He nodded his head to her. Sandra approached him and asked, "Have you seen Agent Mulder, by chance?"

"I did, Miss Flynn. He went outside after you came back to the hotel." He pointed toward the terrace. She thanked him and left out the door.

The night was crisp, and the wind blew her pajamas. It sent a chill up her spine. She paused and listened for voices. There was a mumble she recognized as Mulder.

Sandra followed it to the other side of the terrace. At the railing by the waterfall, she found Mulder and the older man. The sound of the water made it difficult to understand everything they said, but she caught words here and there.

"Closer than you realize, Agent Mulder." The older man said. Wind rustled leaves in front of Sandra, and she quickly back around the wall out of sight. After a moment, she turned to see them again. They spoke softly, until Mulder seemed to get angry.

"But is she in danger?" Mulder closed the distance between them. The old man responded, but it was something Mulder didn't like. He grasped onto the man's collar.

"Mulder he knows her now, there's nothing you can do. The Red Room is calling to her. You have to let it take her to save the other."

"I'm not going to let that happen." He pushed the man away. "You can be sure of that." Mulder stormed off. The man stood by the railing and watched him leave. Sandra turned her head to see Mulder reenter the hotel. When she turned back to the man, he was gone. Confused, she rushed up to the railing. She looked down and saw the rushing water.

"How much did you hear, Agent Flynn?" The voice behind her scared her, but the cock of the gun chilled her to the core. She raised her hands and slowly turned face the man.

"Nothing." She responded shakily.

"We both know that isn't true, Agent."

"Who are you?" She made to step forward, but he stepped closer instead, sending her backward. The railing pressed into the small of her back. It was cold and wet.

"Call me Deep Throat. That's all you need to know." He lowered the gun to his side. "For now."

"What do you want with Mulder?" Sandra relaxed her arms.

"For him to find Josie Packard and James Hurley." He chucked lightly. "The real James Hurley."

"You knew that wasn't the real James?"

"Yes, I did." He moved closer still. "I helped create the technology, that they stole."

"So we're playing the pronoun game? Who is they?"

"You've already encountered them, Agent Flynn." He smiled at her. "You're a very intelligent woman. I can see why Mulder and Cooper care for you." He looked to ground and sighed. "Which is why I'm sorry I have to do this." He raised the gun and fired.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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