𝟏𝟒 / ( not elana, you )

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"So, how are you feeling?" Esti asked her best friend as the two of them sat down at the kitchen table.

"Not gonna lie, I have a huge hangover. I've seen greater days."

"I bet yesterday was the greatest of them all."

"It really was. So much fun. And I'm so glad I properly got to meet the triplets. They're all so much fun!"

"Especially Chris, right?" Esti questioned with a playful smile.

"You think so?" Jasmine's head snapped in the other girl's direction.

"Do I think what?"

"That Chris is the most fun triplet."

"Oh. No, I don't, to be honest. I mean he's fun, but not my favorite brother. But I bet you do," she smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. But I don't think the feeling is mutual."

"Why not? He was literally eying you the entire night. I mean, I don't blame him, you looked amazing."

"Thanks, but I'm pretty sure he likes someone else," Jasmine said with a sad smile.
Esti was confused. "Who?"

Her best friend gave her a stern look before it turned into a disappointed one.
"Nevermind. Just drop it."

"Alright. But if you do wanna tell me, I'm always here."

"I know. I love you."

The girls smiled at each other for a moment before Jasmine spoke up again.
"Who is your favourite then?"

"Probably Nick."

"You're fucking lying," she said with a knowing look.

Esti immediately got defensive.
"I'm not! My crush on Matt is totally over."

This made her receive a sceptic look.

"It is! Why don't you believe me?"

"Because the entire night, you two made eye contact the entire time and there was this weird vibe between you two. Like you guys were like exchanging messages through telepathy and you were talking to each other like 'oh my god I want you so bad just kiss me already and ask me to marry you after'. Everyone could see it, it was so obvious. Even Elana could, that's why she got jealous and tried to take him away. But he didn't go with her because he knows he belongs with you. And then, you guys danced and sang together all night. He was looking at you the entire time, and it was that look."

"What's that look?"
"It's that look you give someone when you're completely head over heels in love with them."

"Jasmine Garcia being delusional part 367," Esti laughed; "That's totally not how it went. And besides, you're one to talk. What did you and Chris talk about while you were going to get drinks? How many children you're gonna have?" Esti said, smiling once again.

"Oh shut up I hate you," the other girl said as she shoved her friend lightly.

"You're the one who started this. This is your fault," Esti said.

"But I actually do have a huge hangover tho. Wanna go outside for a while to get some fresh air?"

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matty b

do you wanna go to bryant's photobooth with us?

yeah sounds fun , when ?

we're leaving at 4

okay great !!

we'll come pick you up

alrighttt thank you

it's no problem
so how are you?
hungover from the party?

i mean yeah 😭
i def drank too much
no regrets tho i had fun

me too :)
well except for when elana got mad

yea that sucked
why didn't u go with her tho ?

why would i

bc ur like dating her and stuff

i'm not

she told me u were

well i'm not.
anyway i really like hanging out with you esti
not elana

matt thats so sweet :')
i really like hanging out with you too


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"Open your gifts!"
"Oh my god, yes. I forgot to do so last night. I feel so bad."

Jasmine went up to the table and opened her birthday presents. People gave her a lot of skincare and clothes. She also got a couple of gift cards.

"Ohh, Esti, this is yours. I'm so curious!"
Jasmine unwrapped it and saw a notebook. When she opened it, she saw a collection of their photos together, decorated with stickers and tiny handwritten notes.

"Oh my god, this is so cute. I'm actually gonna cry," she said as she hugged her best friend.
"Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome," Esti replied with a smile.

Jasmine went back to opening gifts. The Sturniolo triplets got her a cute necklace and some socks.

"Well, they're not very creative with it, are they?" Jasmine said while laughing.

She opened the last gift, which was a small box. In it was a framed picture of Jasmine and Elana, along with a lot of glitter that was thrown into the box.

"What the fuck? Esti, look," Jasmine told her friend. Esti came closer and took a good look at the picture.
"I know that picture from somewhere," she said.
"Yeah, you were in it. She cut you out."

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topher 🙄

wear something black for photobooth

okay why

so we can match

ohhh yes thats fun
ur a smart guy chris

i know i really don't get enough credit for it tbh

thats true

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a/n: more matt soon i promise lol !! i'm just kinda taking it slow here bc i dont wanna rush their relationship :)

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𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 / matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now