𝟐𝟖 / ( a big deal )

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"So, we're gonna coordinate your colors. Which ones did you guys have in mind?" a Dior stylist asked Esti and Matt, who were picking out and outfit for the gala that was coming up.

"Silver glitter!" the girl replied with excitement. This made Matt turn his head towards her quickly with wide eyes. "I'm not wearing a silver glitter outfit."


The duo walked out of the big Dior building. They were both holding a bag. Esti's one contained a sparkly silver dress and in Matt's one there was a black-and-white costume with a sparkly tie.

"Thanks for agreeing on the tie. I really love that I can wear glitter now," Esti smiled at the boy next to her.

"No problem, I actually kind of like it," he smiled back. "Need me to carry your bag to the car?"

"No, I got it. Thanks for asking tho."

"You know I got you," he said with one more smile.

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"What's wrong?" Matt asked Esti as he stole a glimpse into her direction while driving her home. She was frowning at her phone.

The girl's head snapped into his direction. "Oh, it's nothing," she said in an attempt to wave it off.

"It's not nothing if you're upset about it," the boy replied in a sweet and soft tone.

Esti smiled at him, but her dimples didn't show. "Jasmine and Elana got tickets for the Eras Tour. And I know I should be happy for them, but I'm not. So I just feel like an asshole."

"Why are you not happy?"

"Because Jasmine is my best friend and I just kind of expected her to go with me. Especially since Elana has been, like, pretty mean to me lately and Jazzy has always been on my side. And now they're going together and I can't even go with them because Elana doesn't want me to and Jasmine just accepts that. I guess I just expected more of her. I don't know. I should be happy for them that they're going because they love Taylor so much. See, I'm an asshole. I'm so egocentric."

"You're not an asshole, Esti. You're literally the nicest person I know and it's totally normal for you to be upset about this. They care about you less than you thought they did. That's not nothing. Let yourself be upset."

𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 / matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now