first kiss

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Melissa's hand was wrapped securely in yours as you walked up the steps to your front door.

"I had an amazing time tonight." You told her and watched a bright smile tug at her lips.

"I did too, darling." She said as she brought your hand up to her lips for a soft kiss.

Tonight has been so incredible that you didn't want to reach this moment in the night; where she'd walk you home and the night would come to an end.

She took you out for dinner at one of the most beautiful and delicious restaurants in the city, where you shared a good meal and some dessert.

And then she took you on a walk through the park, where you listened to the crickets chirp and walked hand in hand in the moonlight.

It was so amazing getting to know her better and fall even more head over heels for her all night tonight.

"I didn't want the night to end. I really like being with you." You confessed and watched her smile get a little brighter.

"I feel the same way. But, lucky for us both, I've got tomorrow off. Do you want to go out again?"

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot."

"Okay then. Tomorrow we have our second date." She said and watched your eyes light up, melting her heart.

You stood there for a second, just staring at each other and holding hands as you wished that the night didn't have to come to an end.

"I really want to kiss you." She said.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"I'm just making sure it's what you want too." She softly spoke as she stepped closer to you.

You put your hand on her cheek and softly caressed it, making her smile again.

Her eyes looked so soft and her lips so kissable and all you could think about was how much you wanted the night to end with her lips on yours.

"I want that too." You said and she put her forehead on yours before leaning in.

And when her lips hit yours, it felt like heaven.

It was the greatest moment of your life, bringing you a rush of bliss and happiness as you shared the most perfect kiss ever.

Melissa gently placed her hand on the small of your back before pulling you closer.

And you melted.

Wrapping your arms around her neck, she smiled into the kiss as her lips continued to move against yours romantically and slowly.

She slowly pulled away a few seconds later, allowing for you both to get some air in your lungs as she brushed her fingers along your back.

"I really like you, Y/N." She softly said. "I've never felt this way about anyone before. I like you a lot."

"I feel the same way."

She sent you a heartwarming smile before pulling you into her arms for a quick embrace and then a soft kiss on your lips again.

"I should get going or else we'll keep kissing and I'll never leave."

"I wouldn't complain." You joked and she laughed before pecking your lips a few times.

"I'll see you tomorrow, sweet girl?"

"Sounds perfect."

She kissed the corners of your lips and then your cheek before pulling away.

She watched you go into your home, making sure that you got in safe and sound before she walked away.

Making her way home, she was grinning from ear to ear, as were you inside your place, swearing that you haven't felt this happy in so long.

It was the beginning of something magical and your future together was bright.

Melissa Barrera Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now