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It felt like an eternity before Ambulances
had arrived, but eventually there were
many at the scene, it helped when we
mentioned to the police that Quinn
was an unfortunate victim of Ghostfaces
newest attacks.

I was frightened by the sight of this
many police, not because of they
were police though, but because they
had weapons, which meant their
was a higher chance someone
was going to attack them, that's
why they have them.

"how are you feeling"
Chad said, making me jump
a little when he leans against
the ambulance with me with our
shoulders touching just barely

Tara and Mindy were inside sitting
on the edge while Danny and Sam
we're down at the station taking
reports, I feel bad that Danny ended
up like me. Being dragged into
a horror movie just because we
liked someone.

"hurts a little to walk"
I pull my pants up a little so
we can see the damage he had done,
and the bandage wrapped around it.

my voice was hoarse as i spoke,
all of ours were from screaming
so much, Mindys hurt the most.

"sorry i wasn't there to
protect you or
everyone else"

i nudge his shoulder lightly
and look up to him
"it's fine, i'm just glad
you're safe, you and tara"

he throws his arms around me
and squeezes me close as
we both giggle a little,
and i wrap my around
his body, purposely poking
his waist and he yelps before
pushing my head away with his
literal massive hand

he jokes, i stare at him
but im confused why he
doesn't meet my gaze at first,
but instead looks passed me,
his smile drops into a smirk

i see him raise his hand above his
hand and walk passed me, i realize
Jay had made it to the scene,
Chad and Jay dap eachother up
and give a pat on the back to one another

I don't know how to react when I see
Jay at first, i'm still horribly mad
at him but my mind has been
so fumbled right now, all i
can think about it's that
photo of Quinn, and the way
ghostface has just been on
a killing spree, and poor Anika.

She didn't deserve that.

i start walking towards him though,
it was more of a limp though,
a very slow one and i can't tell
if it's because of Jay's warm
presence or the sickening
pain in my leg that makes my
eyes tear, but they do.

Jays face drops when i throw
myself into a hug, i close my eyes,
clinging my arms tightly around him
and he does the same, i feel him lift me up
a little and i close my eyes, breathing
in his familiar warmth and scent

"i'm so sorry"
i hear him mumble into the crook
of my neck, arms still embracing eachother.
"i'm so fucking sorry"

i pull away and rest my hands on
his shoulder, memorizing his tired eyes, i didn't see till now that he hadn't even changed out of that shirt from yesterday still
"it's okay, i'm sorry for not listening,
i should've just kept that stupid taser"

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 - Ethan Landry Where stories live. Discover now