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this includes manipulation
and gaslighting and lowkey
dark!ethan.... and it isn't
proof read... ENJOY! this
chapter is one of my favorites


I feel like Ethan's been 10x more clingy
after last night, i obviously don't mind,
i like him a lot, but he's been making it
so easy to get caught by our friends.

right now, Sam, Danny, Tara, Jay, Mindy,
Chad, Ethan and I were all headed onto
a subway, kindve a bad idea just because
it was super crowded, full of people
dressed in a variety of costumes

even when we're all pushing through
the crowd of millions of people,
i can still recognize Ethan's hand
grabbing onto mine in the crowd,
as i help drag him along to the
rest of the group, who were
a little too far ahead of me,
Mindy, and Ethan.

I squeeze ethan's hand to reassure
that he still behind me and safe,
noticing his hands had gotten
a little sweaty.

i mutter, trying to push my way past
someone in a giant rat costume,
as it blocks my view of Tara.
I pull ethan's hand, shoving past
the dressed up rat, nearly tripping
when someone's prop guitar
from their rockstar costume pokes into
my leg that i was stabbed in.

but by the time we've made it to
the train, the doors were already
closed, luckily Mindy was close,
i see her banging on the doors as
it speeds off, Chad staring us down
as it rolls off.

Mindy says something that i cant
quite here due to the loud train
and the amount of people talking and
stomping. She finally turns around,
a confused look, she glances between
me and ethan a few times before her
eyes drop down, forgetting that me
and him were still holding hands,
she rolls her eyes before she aggressively
grabs my hand, dragging me away from
Ethan and dead staring at him

"get your ghostass away from me ghostface"
she scoffs before practically dragging me
with her to the other side of the station

i'm sorry!
i word to Ethan who's clenching
his jaw, looking angry at either
me or mindy, i'm assuming mindy.

Mindy stops by a pole and i lean against
it breathing out, she lets go of my hand

"really? Ethan?"
she harshly says close to my ear,
i give her a tense smile and stare
blankly at her, but she looks past
me and i follow her gaze, realizing
she was looking over at Ethan.

I feel bad for just leaving him there
but Mindy would murder me and
him if we kept holding hands.
I give him a awkward half smile,
raising my hand to wave at him
but Mindy was quick, as she
smacks my hand back down.
i turn to her, in an annoyed manner
and then back to ethan to try and wave again
but she just grabs my wrist and
pulls my hand back to my side.
She motions for him to go away
and she rolls her eyes, and Ethan
just shakes his head and looks away.

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 - Ethan Landry Where stories live. Discover now